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That Man of Mine

Sometimes, I can’t remember life without that man of mine, can’t imagine an existence that makes sense. For fifteen years, MTM has been the engine of my soul, steadfast believer, selfless supporter, ardent lover, best friend.

My only man.

When I think back to our first “hello” and “hi,” it could’ve happened five minutes ago. A flick of the fingers. A few blinks of the eye. But stacking up everything we’ve done, each trip, every emergency and job change and life-altering thing?

Life condenses memories into a highlight reel. I never thought I’d be with another person long enough to make a highlight reel. Seriously, I didn’t think a man would ever tolerate me for more than a few years.

And this remarkable man makes me take my medicine. He reads every first draft. And tenth draft. He cocoons me when I curl up in a ball and sob over failure. Especially since I find spectacular ways to fail.

My ONLY man.

Every day, he slaves in the kitchen and puts food in front of me. He keeps my travel straight, making sure I have cars and tickets. Without him, I’d struggle to pack a suitcase. Nobody can stuff luggage like MTM.

His stressful, demanding, sometimes maddening job pays our bills. Gives me medical insurance. Enables me to create without monetary fear.

He’s never surprised by my accomplishments. Almost like he knew I could before I did. No matter how impossible circumstances appear, he never tells me to quit.

My only MAN.

I can’t count on my fingers the number of times I’ve seen him angry. He has a bottomless well of patience. Everything he touches becomes better than it was without him.

He never takes credit for his accomplishments. I can’t drive a mile without seeing a piece of city fabric improved by his stalwart advice.

He’s a loyal friend, a giver to everyone lucky enough to be in his life.


Today. Tomorrow. Forever. I love you, MTM.


One of my books is dedicated to MTM. Don’t know which one? GET THEM ALL HERE.

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  1. Oh my, You and Words! How beautiful this was. Now, does he have a much older brother?

  2. Ah, such devotion, such love, such acceptance… Inspirational the two of you.

  3. what a beautiful tribute to mtm. you are both very lucky to have found each other.

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