The smaller your world gets, the smaller your mind gets, and the more your fear grows and the worse your decisions get. Elizabeth Gilbert

I can’t open social media without cringing. The opinions. The misunderstandings. The arguments. The complete lack of empathy. How did we get to the place where a child is snatched off a beach by an alligator, and the parents are ruthlessly attacked and shamed on social media? Why do we use every conceivable catastrophic event to push our own agendas? When was the last time we spent time with someone who hails from a different part of life/varied belief system/other culture?Continue Reading


It had to be the appearance of the gun that sent her to the divorce attorney, because, let’s face it, guns were never her kind of thing. Even though he waved it in her face, pointed it at her, touched the muzzle to her chest, and threatened to shoot himself with it, too, she survived that night.

It’s just as likely he killed her anyway.Continue Reading