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Baby It's Cold Outside - Andra Watkins Skip to content

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Baby It’s Cold Outside

There are moments of sobering truth that overwhelm our belief in our own significance. And sometimes we are present enough to recognize them.

There are moments of sobering truth that overwhelm our belief in our own significance. And sometimes we are present enough to recognize them. To see the world as the brutal and awesome force that it is, and the limits of our ability to effect it. To know that the world ticks off eons as seconds, and shrugs off our lifetime like a wisp of wind.

It is humbling to accept this for ourselves; it is eviscerating to see this force looming over one we love. As a husband, nothing is harder than to see Andra staring down a melting glacier, a blast of Antarctic cold slapping her in the face. The urge to protect rises in even the most liberated man, regardless the one-sidedness of the bout.

It is a challenge to trust that love is the strongest shield and faith the sharpest sword.





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  1. Damn! That girl is one lucky lady. But then I knew that already. But Damn!

  2. Nice. Really nice. Thank you.

  3. Beautifully written MTM.

  4. Tears. Beautiful.

  5. You’ve captured a truth, I think, which is what we all strive to do. Sometimes, the magic works and sometimes it does not. In this case, it worked very nicely.

  6. It is a tough call to know when protectiveness actually stifles.

  7. Melting glaciers are humbling whether an occurrence in the natural world or metaphorical. We all hope for partners who understand us in both.

  8. Andra, MTM, there are times when the first word or two of the snippet in my e-mail makes me open your blog post first before I even check in with whatever my Mom had to say. Today was one such day. You are well matched in a husband, Andra, if you have found one who can speak his love for you so truly and shamelessly at MTM.

  9. As someone else already said, this brings tears. There are not a lot of men in my acquaintance who could (or would) so eloquently share their emotion for all the world to see. Beautiful.

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