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Why I’m Tired of MTM’s Package

I get tired of MTM's package. I mean, don't get me wrong. I like to unwrap things as much as the next girl......even when I know what's inside. Especially when I know what's inside. I don't like surprises. But MTM and his do I type this?

mtms packageI get tired of MTM’s package. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I like to unwrap things as much as the next girl……even when I know what’s inside.

Especially when I know what’s inside.

I don’t like surprises.

But MTM and his package…… do I type this? MTM’s package is the never-ending gift. It’s everywhere.

Our guest bedroom.

All over our office.

The living room.

I’ve forbidden MTM’s package in the bedroom. A girl has to draw the line somewhere.

I can’t go to our storage unit because of MTM’s blasted package. It even haunts me when I open the mailbox and retrieve our mail.

MTM’s package!


He spends hours staring at screens. Talking to shifty characters about their packages. Even paying mysterious amounts of money for access to their packages.

What’s in MTM’s package, Dear Reader?

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  1. “the never ending gift” reminds me of a family pet that loves to leave a reminder of itself all over the place. My guess this early in the morning would be pet hair or poop. I am probably wrong…..

  2. My guess is bike parts as well, though my eyebrows were raised as I read the post. 🙂

  3. Lawyer lips, saddles and panniers, oh, my;
    Lock nuts, head badges, shaft nuts, nipples,
    couplers, fairings . . . a list never-ending,

    It boggles the mind!

  4. lol.! I’m guessing bike parts or farts.!!

  5. I might just be a little bit afraid myself, Andra. I hope he hasn’t discovered Zulily. It’s really dangerous…it has me hiding packages!

  6. Bike, bike, bike stuff…oh, and a little something something for you. 😉

  7. Well, my first thought is to guess bike parts, but then with Christmas coming soon, it’s probably YOUR avalanche of gifts from your dear MTM. But, it’s most probably bike parts or new bikes or new stuff for bikes.

  8. Going with bike parts. Back in the day when we biked every weekend, bits and pieces of bike turned up everywhere in our home. Always something to fix or tinker with. Yep, it’s bike stuff.

  9. In my household, it’s fishing gear packages. Sometimes very long and hard packages… Bike stuff is my vote as well.

  10. Hmm, given I was just inside your home not so long ago and didn’t notice bike parts laying all about, I am not jumping into the bike-stuff camp. Is MTM’s package magazines. Possibly bike magazines. Or a mixture of bike and architecture magazines. Yes. That is my guess.

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