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HuffPo Review

Not Without My Father Featured in Huffington Post!

"It can be difficult to find a writer with a fresh voice that draws the reader in and inspires a genuine feeling of pleasure from the act of reading. In Andra Watkins' second book, Not Without My Father: One Woman's Walk of the 444-Mile Natchez Trace the reader will not be disappointed." - The Huffington Post

“It can be difficult to find a writer with a fresh voice that draws the reader in and inspires a genuine feeling of pleasure from the act of reading. In Andra Watkins’ second book, Not Without My Father: One Woman’s Walk of the 444-Mile Natchez Trace the reader will not be disappointed.” – The Huffington Post

Read the full review HERE.

I’m still peeing my pants.

HuffPo is an aggregator. When people interact and share, they give precedence to those stories.

Please help me move this review up HuffPo’s ranks.

PLEASE leave a comment on the HuffPo review. PLEASE share it in your social networks. With enough interaction, this review could move to the main books page.

Again, here’s a link to comment and share. SHARE ME.

Thank you to everyone who shared the link on Facebook last night. And thank you to the awesome Sarah Cottrell for making it happen. Go read her writing. Interact with her. She’s gifted. She’s funny. And she’s a giver.

To get your copy of Not Without My Father: One Woman’s 444-Mile Walk of the Natchez Trace, click your desired format below:

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  1. Congrats Andra. You’ve done it!

  2. See, I told you so. Congratulations!

    I tried going to the HuffPo review and comment, but since I am one of the eight people in the USA not on FB, I was not able to leave a comment.

    I did re-tweet it though.

  3. I too am no longer networked, not even Twitter, but I’ll TALK it up!

  4. Congratulations!
    So well deserved.

  5. This is fantastic news. Really pleased for you.

    Now please, go change your pants. Because, well…. you know.

  6. sqeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

  7. This is great, I commented on HuffPo and shared on FB, etc. Really happy for you and Lefty.

  8. Shared immediately upon seeing your post yesterday on FB! I didn’t know to leave a comment so, I will do so now. This is a really big deal and we who follow you are honored to play a small part in helping you celebrate. xxoo

  9. Oooo!!! I commented! So happy for you, Andra!!!!

  10. I think I woke up the whole house with my shriek when I read this, Andra! So exciting!!! I’m off to share everywhere I can and leave a comment on Huff Post. 🙂

  11. Congratulations! I ordered it via Kindle, have read it, and agree,most heartily,with the review. Will reblog.

  12. Yup, I peed a little myself. So awesome that others see what we see. 😀

  13. I don’t think you’re alone in peeing with excitement. From where I sit this is HUGE. I make purchases or follow trends frequently due to Huff Post influence! I posted to FB and will follow through with more avenues ASAP! Try not to hyperventilate!

  14. I will be happy to comment and share. I’ve been away from blogging for awhile so I am just now catching up. Can’t wait to read your book! You are a genius!

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