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Visit the Natchez Trace: Fall Hollow

I started my day at milepost 390. Asphalt and trees. A sliver of sky. My feet alternating on a cracked line of white. But water beckoned. Fall Hollow. Milepost 391.9. The Natchez Trace. Tennessee.

I started my day at milepost 390. Asphalt and trees. A sliver of sky. My feet alternating on a cracked line of white.

But water beckoned. Fall Hollow. Milepost 391.9. The Natchez Trace. Tennessee.

fall hollow

Its white energy buzzed through a crevasse. Boulders. Leaves. Fissures and sediment. All marked Time’s progression to the sea.

Do you ever wonder
where a cascade goes?

When it merges with the ocean,
evaporates to the heavens,
where does it fall?

I scooted down a rock face. On my rear end. Two miles into my fifteen-mile-day. Fear of heights? Horror at falling?

fall hollow


Nothing could stop me as I watched water pour over the crags at Fall Hollow. As I asked every drop to remember me

Wherever it ended its run.


Visit Fall Hollow on Tennessee’s Natchez Trace. It’s at milepost 391.9. A short trail from the parking lot leads to the top of the falls. Hearty folk can follow a rough trail into the hollow. It’s usually wet. And steep. Bring gloves and (if you’re like me) be prepared to scoot. The view’s worth it.

No Make a Memory visit to the Trace
is complete without my books!

Not Without My Father: One Woman's 444-Mile Walk of the NatchezTo Live Forever: An Afterlife Journey of Meriwether LewisGet your copies of To Live Forever: An Afterlife Journey of Meriwether Lewis and Not Without My Father: One Woman’s 444-Mile Walk of the Natchez Trace by heading to my



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  1. Nicely done. So many metaphors for life, so little time.

    1. Author

      My motto right now is So Little Time. I’ve been remiss in both reading and responding to comments.

  2. You found so many treasures along the Trace, you should become a tour guide. 🙂

  3. Love it!

  4. I love waterfalls. I have often wondered the same thing. Where does it go? In the times when rain is scarce, it disappears altogether and then returns after a shower.I am babbling. time for a margarita.

  5. Like John I’ve also wondered the same thing. How cool that you took the time to investigate.
    I was at least glad to watch the Planet Earth DVDs which talked about water at its sources. Fascinating!

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