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Why Do We Become Our Parents?

When I was growing up with 1970s parents, I noted two things about my father: 1. He commandeered the telephone late into the night, shouting about his plant's wood supply; and 2. He spent every other second in his recliner. A recliner spewed from his butt. A permanent appendage. His lost tail. I vowed I would NEVER be like him. Here's how that turned out.............

When I was growing up with 1970s parents, I noted two things about my father: 1. He commandeered the telephone late into the night, shouting about his plant’s wood supply; and 2. He spent every other second in his recliner.

A recliner spewed from his butt.
A permanent appendage.
His lost tail.

He refused to budge from his recliner for anything except another phone call.

When he needed a snack? Hey, Linda! LINDA! Get me some ice cream!

When he desired a different television channel before the advent of the remote control? Andra! A-N-D-R-A! Get off that pot and come change the channel RIGHT NOW!

When he wanted a closer look at anything? Hey, you! Bring me that thing! Right there!

Marketers divined an exact image of my father
when they coined the La-Z-Boy brand.

My ex-husband despised my incessant refusal to admit a lounging contraption in our house. But I didn’t marry my father! I don’t want to smell your farts as you zone out in front of the television every night! I was kind of sad about that proclamation when the ex left, because I didn’t have a crummy chair to throw at him.

MTM, my architect-man, possessed more cultured (read OUTRAGEOUSLY EXPENSIVE) tastes. Every time we visited the home of a fellow architect, he lowered himself into the lap of his furniture fantasy: a Le Corbusier chaise lounge.


(Note: Le Corbusier is another word for “sadomasochistic torture device.”)

I looked at MTM, zoned out in the Corb with sports blaring, and I vowed such an object would NEVER grace our built environment. If he wanted to relax, he could be a slug in bed.

Something shifted when I started to write full-time. I spent hours crunching my spine against our headboard, because the only way I can create is with my feet up. Yielding neck pain. Multiple visits to the chiropractor. Frequent headaches.

My writing habits had to change.

I tried creating at my desk. Upright, like normal people.


I practiced sitting up straight in bed, my entire spine fully against the headboard. As soon as I lost myself inside a character’s head, I migrated downward. I came to in the same smashed-up position, my neck on fire.


In despair, I visited Design Within Reach, thinking I could find an architect-approved sectional sofa with a priced-for-poor-people IKEA knock-off. I fell into MTM’s beloved Corb recliner instead. No neck kink. Adjustable foot height for the perfect creative angle. Easy-to-clean black leather. The Corb chair had one minuscule drawback:

It’s UGLY.

I locked myself in the car and tried to forget Monsieur Corbusier. Here’s how THAT turned out.


I am my father. A Corb recliner sprouts from my ass. I only leave it to use the toilet or go to bed.


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  1. A little strange looking, but, looks like it might be comfy. The MTM mind meld at work once again.

    1. Author

      It’s so comfy I never move. I’m much more productive, because I don’t get up every 10 minutes to stretch. 🙂

  2. That’s just funny. I sit upright. Otherwise, I fall asleep.

  3. I love it! Maybe a chair like that would help my backaches. Alas, I cannot afford such beauty. But maybe one of those Gravity Chairs would work!

    1. Author

      Claudia, it’s already helped mine. I’d love to know if you try a gravity chair.

  4. I’d never feel safe in a chair like that one! Too much like being on a roller coaster as it made its ascent up to the peak. Scary. I sit at my desk on a kitchen chair with a pillow behind my back, feet firmly on the ground. Rooted, as it were. 😉

    1. Author

      It adjusts to move the feet higher or lower. I’m on the high side. If you ever try one, you won’t hurry to leave. 🙂

      1. Okay. That makes me feel better about it! All I could think is that I’d reach over the side to grab my mug of coffee, and I’d fall right off of it. I’m a klutz.

        1. Author

          It’s very sturdy. I’m a clumsy-dumsy, and I’ve had no mishaps.

  5. Wow. I can feel myself relax just looking at you in the chair. Though it looks like a torture device, it seems like it would be extremely comfortable.
    My parents have recliners. I’m waiting to get one!

  6. Oh God. I want one. I want one so so so so hard. And it’s totally not my style. But I want it.

    1. Author

      It was worth my entire Korean advance PLUS the gross proceeds of my TLF Bookbub, PLUS a little extra from personal funds. (I got it on sale.) I know I’ll write more and get tons done. I was very productive yesterday. 🙂

  7. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it’s gorgeous and the lines are beautiful…and may I say you look absolutely divine sitting in it! Maybe it’s the Architect’s daughter in me, but I absolutely love it!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

    1. Andra, after I commented my “sharing” icons went away. I’ve refreshed several times thinking that they might reappear but they have not. Any suggestions? What did I do wrong?

  8. Looking good Andra but I have to second Karen’s comment… my dismount would be tragic. 🙁

  9. From what I believe from what you have written your Corb will be a little fresher smelling than a La-Z-Boy. I think it looks great.

  10. Does MTM want his own now? I’m sure he won’t be getting into yours anytime soon! Ha!

    1. Author

      Since I’m in Spartanburg, he’ll probably sleep in the thing tonight. 🙂

  11. hey, if it feels good, do it. a 1960’s approach.

    1. Author

      A chair designed in 1928………..pre-Depression was another feels good era, right?

  12. I thought the pic of you and your broken glasses was my fave but THIS one tops them all!! Am…I need one of those chairs ASAP! 🙂

    1. Author

      I’m looking forward to writing for fourteen straight days in that chair. See how it’s got me back to blogging? It really is miraculous.

  13. Ugly, perhaps, but if it save your back and posture and neck…well, then it’s well worth the price. I wonder, though, since this is supposed to be MTM’s chair, does he ever get to lounge in it? Or is he out shopping for another?

    1. Author

      The one you see was damaged in shipping. They’re supposed to send us a replacement and (maybe) take the damaged one back. We’ll see what happens. Maybe MTM will end up with one of his own.

  14. Good words – but did you mean why or when…? 🙂

  15. Oh I love it Andra!

    I hear my father’s voice often (and he passed in 91) but it is coming out of my mouth and sounding in my head!

    My cousins often say on FB…I see my Uncle Jim… (I am named after him).

    Enjoy the recline, er ride, er fun?



    1. Author

      After almost a week, I barely get up from the thing, Jim. 🙂

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