“I can’t believe my flight is delayed.” That’s me. Professional whiner. I was supposed to be in Nashville for the 27th Annual Southern Festival of Books. Delta’s mysterious flight cancellation forced me to miss a day.
One day of networking. One day of making impressions on potential readers. One day of milking an event I had to bankroll in order to participate.
Anyone who checks my recent calendar knows I’m a pro at upset plans. This time was no different. I did what I always do…….
hightailed it to bed, stuck my thumb in my mouth, and complained.
MTM stayed planted at our shared desk, unwilling to countenance in my bitch-a-thon. He wrangled with Delta while I blasted them online.
“I got you into Nashville by tonight. 7:30pm central time.” MTM breached the bedroom door, took one look at my stormy face, and fled. “I don’t care how much money this is costing us, Andra. It’s a notch in your author bedpost.”
“Yeah? I guess that’s why I feel like an alphabetical whore.”
He ignored me while I googled voodoo hexes for certain airlines and fought to adjust my attitude. I was lucky to be invited to Nashville, regardless of how not-easy it was to get there.
If I repeated anything enough,
eventually I would believe it.
From the beginning, I fashioned myself a best selling author. I strode into every new locale and fresh room, projecting myself as worthy of the New York Times. Every day, I checked my paltry sales and adjusted my approach to convince a few more readers to give me an audition. Several times a week, I cried and wailed and folded myself into a fetal ball of despair.
Despair is depressing, though.
I got up and tried again.
When I belted a scream, MTM came running. “What is it now, Andra? You’re scaring me. I know this delay is frustrating, but—”
He stopped in front of my open laptop, its screen blinking with one headline.
I made the New York Times best seller list, AND I almost gave MTM a heart attack.
Through November 8, 2015, e-book versions of Not Without My Father will be 99 cents. Kindle. Nook. iTunes. Kobo. If you’ve been trying to convince someone to give it a try, head to my Facebook Author Page and share this offer with them. Or if you want to get a head start on your holiday shopping, order a few copies as gifts.
Tomorrow, I’ll give readers a brief update on my brother. I hope to see you here.
Outstanding! You’ve worked like mad for this. Congratulations. Peace and best, John Coleman
To reach this milestone has been a long-time dream. Thank you!
Lofty and climbing.
Ha. The book’s no longer climbing, but it will again. It’s been an interesting (and educational) journey. 🙂
How EXCITING – Congrats!!!
Thank you!!
When I saw that you were on the New York Times Best – I wasn’t surprised. I knew it. But, it still brought tears of joy to my eyes because validation is always so sweet when it is to the positive! I believe in you Andra, and look, as you can see I am definitely NOT alone. I’m so dang proud of you for getting up each time you are knocked down, or fall to your knees, or curl up in the fetal position – YOU GET BACK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is what makes a true hero/heroine! YOU are mine. 🙂 Thank you for being a shining beacon of light that the rest of our moths can flock to. Proud of you!
Um, that last sentence should say, “…the rest of us moths…” Ugh.
I’d love to write a lengthy, brutally honest post about what this means, but I can’t. I am pretty blunt one-on-one with people about how this business works (or doesn’t), but I can’t put that on the internet. 🙂 I had someone come up to me at a Sunday party and say, “So, now you’re making the big bucks?”
*I wish.*
This is a piece of validation that will hopefully kick open a few more doors for me without having sore toes and feet. I’m very grateful.
Felicidades.!!! We all knew you could do it 🙂 I’m sure your parents are thrilled beyond belief.!! Congratulations again.!!
Dad assumes people in New York like him. *Clueless* 🙂
I am so thrilled for you!
Thank you! And now that I’m home until Thanksgiving, we MUST HAVE LUNCH OR COFFEE. (Yes, I’m shouting. It’s been too long since I’ve seen you.)
Nothing else would be expected. Congratulations.
Thanks, John. Still lots to do, but this step feels good.
That’s fantastic! Congratulations!
Thank you!! When we’re next coming your way (or you’re coming ours), we must get together again!! xo
I was IN Nashville with plans to go to the Festival of Books and could NOT get cooperation from my cotravelers. 🙁 So I missed it !!!!
Boo to your co-travelers!!!
NOW I am DOUBLY sad. 🙁
I am truly honored to know a New York Times best selling author. You may bitch, but you also rock the alphabet, Andra. I hope you keep scaring MTM, it’s the best kind of fright
We must plan our December rendezvous. Dec 27 – 30. No Packer game, unless you want to invite us to a Packer par-tay.
I will most likely be at the local sports bar on the 27th, watching the game and having a beer. We could get together then or any time on the 28th or 29th. Meet halfway or I could come to you. I have no other plans at the moment.
What would we do without our ROCKS to calm us down? 🙂
I know, right?!?!?!?!?
very proud of you/for you )
I’m so excited about this!!! Partly for you and partly for my own self bc I read your books way back when! We’re both so smart!
This news just continues to thrill me! You didn’t get this far just because you work so hard–although you do work harder than almost anyone I know, but hard work without a quality book wouldn’t have made the list! I hope you know that you deserve to be there!
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