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Dad Is Well Hung in Manhattan

Dad has a story about Manhattan. Last weekend, he relayed it for the billionth time. A protest of sorts, because he didn't want to eat Mexican food. Did Dad order water and sulk? Get the Everything Platter and stink us out of house and home? Read on.

Dad has a story about Manhattan. Last weekend, he relayed it for the billionth time. A protest of sorts, because he didn’t want to eat Mexican food.

I was in New York City, waitin’ to get on that ship with my buddies. You know, when I was first in the Army? And they decided we needed to eat some real Mexican food. Since we was in New York City and all. So I went. I ordered them burritos stuffed with I don’t know what all. Took two bites and blew off the roof of my mouth. I went into that place with a stopped up head, but let me tell you, them things dried me right up. Ain’t never wanted to eat no Mexican food again. Or go to that New York City.

Too bad, Dad. Robert Johnson took you on a personal tour of the place. Can anyone guess where Dad is in each photo?










Robert Johnson Dad Is Well Hung 8






So, where was Dad?
Submit your guesses in a comment.

And thank you, Robert, for this amazing NYC tour! If you still seek a gift or several, head over to Robert’s photography page to purchase prints and collections of his work. You can find it HERE.

Put your newfound Dadness to good use! Enter the #DadIsWellHung Contest!

  1. Post a photo of said gift on social media.
  2. Hashtag it #dadiswellhung.

That’s it! Every #dadiswellhung update will be entered to win the #DadIsWellHung Contest.

First Prize: A $25 gift card to Amazon/iTunes/Barnes and Noble (winner’s choice)

Second Prize: A $15 gift card to Amazon/iTunes/Barnes and Noble (winner’s choice)

Third Prize: A $10 gift card to Amazon/iTunes/Barnes and Noble (winner’s choice)

And to encourage creativity…..
A $25 gift card of choice will be awarded to
MOST CREATIVE #DadIsWellHung post!!!

The only rules for Most Creative?

  1. Post a photo of said gift on social media.
  2. Hashtag it #dadiswellhung.

So EVERYBODY can wow Dad with creative homages to his well-hung-ness. Come back tomorrow for a selection of our favorite #DadIsWellHung entries so far.

Winners will be chosen at random on December 26, 2015, except for Most Creative. YOU will vote for your favorite.


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    1. Author

      Robert will have to answer that one, but I think you’re right. 🙂

  1. 54+ years since my one and only visit, so I’m with Carnell! 😉

  2. Oh, great, Andra. Like I am going to know all those places in NYC! I think I’ll trot the Old Man and his Constant Pest around Friday Harbor, and we’ll see how your readers do with that.

    1. Author

      Dad can’t stand water, so Friday Harbor will be a perfect backdrop.

  3. Since I’ve never been to NYC…I give up. Kudos to Robert for a very excellent response to the contest!

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