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The One We Don’t Want To Live Without | #MakeAMemory

It’s only when we start to fag out that we realize the things we took for granted are the ones we don’t want to live without. - Roy Watkins I'm starting May in an interesting place. In a couple of weeks, I head to Wales for a month-long stint as writer-in-residence at Stiwdio Maelor. I have my own cell, I mean, room on the outskirts of Snowdonia National Park. I'm not worried about writing. Nope. I'm looking forward to losing myself in characters and their stories. But after walking almost 500 miles two years ago, I have a tiny confession. Or a FATTY one.

It’s only when we start to fag out that we realize the things we took for granted are the ones we don’t want to live without. – Roy Watkins

I’m starting May in an interesting place. In a couple of weeks, I head to Wales for a month-long stint as writer-in-residence at Stiwdio Maelor. I have my own cell, I mean, room on the outskirts of Snowdonia National Park.

I’m not worried about writing. Nope. I’m looking forward to losing myself in characters and their stories.

But after walking almost 500 miles two years ago, I have a tiny confession. Or a FATTY one. Constant work travel has expanded my waistline to grotesque proportions, because 1. I believe I never have time to exercise; and 2. I cannot resist an orgiastic food experience.

I’ve been promiscuous with food, Dear Reader. Lots and lots and LOTS of partners. Irresistible combinations. New positions. Every plate disrobed and sprawled before me, and I opened my mouth and moaned, “Yes! Yes! YES!”

When I tried to hike a couple of weeks ago, I was a pathetic version of my former self. Huffing. Panting. Woefully slow. My body isn’t too old to hike yet, but I’m not extending its useful life, am I?

And now I shall greet Snowdonia with my flabby midsection and atrophied muscles. I’m determined to hike each morning, though I suspect my first few outings will consist of me vomiting into the shrubbery and screeching, “Good God, WHAT have I done?!?”

Good stories a built of discipline. I’m determined to avoid the pub, shed some of my lard, and make some memories I can’t live without.

Do you have a fun weight loss tip, Dear Reader? Or more likely, a grueling one? Please leave it in a comment today.


This is part of a series of pictures about making memories. If you liked the story why not share it with your friends? Let’s meet on Facebook or Twitter. If you prefer pictures you will surely like my Instagram. I’ve collected inspirational things and more on Pinterest! Any comments? Write them below!

live without

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  1. For me, I lose weight if I severely limit my intake of simple carbs. My body chemistry processes protein and greens very well. Simple carbs, not so much.

    1. Author

      I have to limit carbs AND exercise the sweaty brand of cardio I despise.

  2. I don’t think I have ever heard the term “fag out” used in that way before. Interesting.

    And you didn’t seem flabby or out-of-shape when you did the story slam this past weekend! You were rocking it as always.

    1. Author

      Dad has been saying “I’m fagged out” my whole life. He means exhausted.

      And I wore strategic clothing. 🙂

  3. How exciting you’re going to Wales! I imagine you’ll love it so much, those walks will come naturally and frequently. Have fun and best of luck with the writing there.

  4. Ah Andra…do I have a tip for you….oh, wait, I’ve already given you my tips. 🙁 Dang. I believe that once you begin (as beginning (whether it be the beginning of every day…) is key), you will be so inquisitive as to what’s around the corner…that you’ll be just fine. I have faith in you. Then again, I absolutely LOVE it when my muscles are sore – I say to myself, “Yes, I got that elusive muscle and now it will no longer be fat…but muscle.” What can I say…I was born this way. :-/

    1. Author

      Part of my problem is how much my lifestyle has changed. Before I realized finding readers meant actually going out and PUTTING MY BOOKS IN THEIR HANDS, I did power yoga five times a week. I wasn’t the skinniest I’d ever been, but I was probably in the best shape of my mid-life. I can’t be a gym member or go to classes consistently or even predict my routine from week to week. And for me, exercise has always been a thing I had to schedule, or I’d never stick to it. I tried online routines at home, but 1. I get overwhelmed by my options; 2. I inevitably pick a lazy one, because I really hate exercise; 3. I can do them anytime, so I never do them at all.

      Plus, writing is very sedentary. I get up once or twice an hour and all that, but I don’t move as much as I used to overall. I hope this residency jump starts me to a more healthy place physically. I know it’ll be good for my psyche, and I’ll get TONS of writing done. But none of that counts if my body goes to hell.

  5. i am a sucker for those simple carbs. like you, it’s a combo of limiting them and ratcheting up the exercise, as in getting off the couch – have a great time in wales )

  6. Only two ways to lose weight. Take in less calories or burn more than you take in. I know I know. Shoot me.

    1. Author

      Which means arranging one’s lifestyle to do those things. My lifestyle is my problem at the moment.

  7. Aww, have a great time! I am in Vegas from 05/03 to 06/01. I plan to hike nearly every day, if I can! It will mean starting work at 5:30 am, but I’m determined! Enjoy your retreat. xoxo

    1. Author

      You can do it! I know we’ve been struggling with the same stuff. I wish I could come out and hike with you. Please post some pics of your hikes.

  8. I wish I had a tip. My doctor keeps telling me to lose weight.
    Oh Andra, how exciting that you’re doing to Wales. I’m so proud of all you’ve accomplished!

  9. I feel ya – sista, lard sticks to me like velcro. Problem is, I don’t want to stop eating or drinking, at least I’ll die happy! 🙂 Have a wonderful trip! xoxo

      1. Author

        I don’t understand Facebook these days, but I appreciate your trying.

    1. Author

      At this point, I feel like stopping eating and drinking is the only thing that’ll work. I swear, I don’t snack. I don’t eat huge meals. I don’t consume lots of carbs. Even when I’m on the road, I try to keep all that stuff in check. Part of it is what my body is programmed to do, and it takes effort to reprogram. I can’t relate to the pain you live with, but we’re the same in one respect: We both spend so much time doing things we *must* do for whatever reason. We don’t necessarily WANT to do them, but we *must.* It’s monumentally hard to then apply that to stuff like food and exercise. It’s superhuman to be regimented about every aspect of life.

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