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The smaller your world gets, the smaller your mind gets, and the more your fear grows and the worse your decisions get. Elizabeth Gilbert

The Worse Your Decisions Get | #MakeAMemory

I can't open social media without cringing. The opinions. The misunderstandings. The arguments. The complete lack of empathy. How did we get to the place where a child is snatched off a beach by an alligator, and the parents are ruthlessly attacked and shamed on social media? Why do we use every conceivable catastrophic event to push our own agendas? When was the last time we spent time with someone who hails from a different part of life/varied belief system/other culture?

The smaller your world gets, the smaller your mind gets, and the more your fear grows and the worse your decisions get. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert

Hello, Dear Readers! I’m back from Wales with a finished book, another book started, and yet another project percolating. I have a lot to say about my Welsh residency, but I’ll save it for another post.

I’d rather talk about the Liz Gilbert quote.

How small have our worlds become?

I can’t open social media without cringing. The opinions. The misunderstandings. The arguments. The complete lack of empathy. How did we get to the place where a child is snatched off a beach by an alligator, and the parents are ruthlessly attacked and shamed on social media? Why do we use every conceivable catastrophic event to push our own agendas? When was the last time we spent time with someone who hails from a different part of life/varied belief system/other culture?

Our decisions make our worlds to get too small.

We let it happen in the people we choose to spend time with, because we only choose people who agree with us. We encourage it in the structure of our social media feeds, by paying sharing our sound-byte world views and mocking others’ sound-byte world views. We do the same safe things over and over and over again, because they don’t challenge us to see anyone differently.

Over the weekend, I wrote a post about Brexit on my Facebook Author Page. I am sickened by some of the commentary I read online. I put something more positive out there. I’ve included it below.


Please click on the image to share it from my Facebook Author Page, or CLICK HERE.

Let’s start Monday with some social media positivity. Who’s with me?


This is part of a series of pictures about making memories. If you liked the story why not share it with your friends? Let’s meet on Facebook or Twitter. If you prefer pictures you will surely like my Instagram. I’ve collected inspirational things and more on Pinterest! Any comments? Write them below!

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  1. Good grief, YES! The more positivity and inclusivity the very better.

    1. Author

      It was interesting being over there in the lead up to the vote. I learned so much more about it than I would’ve otherwise.

  2. If all of my friends were just like me and didn’t bring some diversity of thought to our relationship, I would feel cheated. I think the trend has moved away from a hearty debate and exchange of ideas and instead has shifted to celebrating immediate reaction and harsh judgement. All too often I just cringe at what people say to others. What a lovely letter to your UK friends and readers. Have you had any success explaining to the rest of the world that although we were never part of the EU this current event is still all about us? Sometimes I wish I had a platform to apologize for American narcissism.

    1. Author

      I spent a TON of time explaining America and Americans. I’m working on a post to submit to a bigger site, outlining the most typical questions I get from foreigners. It’s a sobering window into how the world sees us…not that most Americans probably care how the world sees us. But I care.

  3. i love this quote and the responses on this post. it’s easier for some to stay safe and sheltered, but that’s only living half a life in my opinion. great post and welcome back )

    1. Author

      It was an amazing experience. I’m doing it again in 2018. Six weeks instead of four.

  4. I’m convinced 90% of the people harshly commenting about events on social media are descendants of those folks who used to stand on a Speaker’s Corner to spout their gibberish at people passing by. Ahhh, technology.

    1. Author

      Online commentary definitely brings out the very worst, doesn’t it? I sometimes wonder whether people think before they click “post.” I know I’ve been guilty of posting things I shouldn’t have. We’ve all done it. But some people glory in posting awfulness. It’s very sad.

  5. Having been raised in the head of a “holler”, I have always been curious about other people and cultures. The Lord has blessed us to know many people from different nations. My neighbors are black, Korean and Muslim and many people from Kentucky. I love them all. My Muslim neighbors are in their late 20’s and have a precious 18 month old. I love them so much and know that they love me. Roger and I are their “parents” in their new country and we would do anything for them and they for us. I get strange looks sometimes when she and I are shopping together. I just hold her closer! I know this is a time when so many people don’t want them here, but they are Americans and are so dear to me. I don’t understand people blaming a “people” as a whole when about 1% or less is doing all of the destruction. We need to share more love with as many people as we can.

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