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Step Outside Your Own Lines

Do you need to step outside your own lines? We live in a world where it’s easier to assume we won’t like something we’ve never tried. “That’s on the wrong side” or “Online reviews were bad” or “so-and-so told me not to bother” or “I only live within these lines." What a constipated, unadventurous way to experience life. And yes, I’m being judgey.

Do you need to step outside your own lines?

We live in a world where it’s easier to assume we won’t like something we’ve never tried. “That’s on the wrong side” or “Online reviews were bad” or “so-and-so told me not to bother” or “I only live within these lines.”

What a constipated, unadventurous way to experience life. And yes, I’m being judgey.

If you can’t recall the last time you stuck your toe beyond your own boundaries, it’s time.

Time to scare yourself.
To shake life up.
Squirm a little.
To be uncomfortable.

Unprocessed images on my camera track things I never thought I’d do, outings I almost didn’t have.

Like this bout of ice fishing in Wisconsin. Because, let me tell you, this life-long Southerner is PETRIFIED of frozen water. I cannot imagine how anything exists on it, no matter how many times natives reassure me it’s solid. The day I ventured out on the ice, the middle of the lake was open and ice-free.


But I put my foot on the edge and made it to the fisherman stranger one hyperventilating step at a time. I didn’t fall through the ice. Or splat on my patootie. Nobody laughed at me. I made a new friend and saw the shapes water makes when it solidifies.

In the end, this is a picture of me saying, “I’m glad I did.”

How do you need to push yourself? What have you been too shuttered to try? I’d love to see photos of your badassery, as you leap beyond the imaginary lines of your own boxes.

I’ll be doing the same today, as I continue revising my upcoming novel “I Am Number 13.” Available everywhere Fall 2018. Available to readers here well before!

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  1. Stepping across self-imposed boundaries…my ongoing search for blood relatives leads me out of my comfort zone. Hustling my writing does too. This has been, and will continue to be, an interesting year.

    1. Author

      I’m really looking forward to quality time with you in a few weeks!

  2. For writers, I think every time we put our work out there, we’re sticking our toe beyond our own boundaries. It’s a frightening thing to do, enough so that it gives me the energy that often comes with trying something new.

    1. Author

      Exactly. I get the same things from flinging my word babies into the world. (Also, The Bone Curse will be featured here tomorrow! 🙂 )

  3. yes, i certainly like to step out of my comfort zone and give things a whirl. i think of this every time i am on an online date –

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