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Ask Me Anything for 13

I Am Number 13 launches on 13 November 2018.

Word Hermit Press is creating a special, limited-edition hardcover of I Am Number 13. Available only by lottery, fifty lucky people will be selected to purchase this signed, numbered, full-color edition of I Am Number 13.

Ask me anything for Lucky 13!

Details on entering the lottery are coming soon. You don’t want to sign up to buy a book you haven’t seen, right? I can’t WAIT to show it to you, but it’s sitting in my mailbox right now. I’ll give you a video tour in a future post.

Here’s what the special limited-edition hardcover of I Am Number 13 includes:

  • Full-color chapter headings that mimic the AI-designed Rousseau-esque cover;
  • Premium color;
  • Premium paper;
  • Hardcover;
  • Special dust jacket designed for the limited edition;
  • Journal-like tie closure;
  • Signed and numbered by me;
  • Exclusive back matter, including expanded discussion of how I crafted this novel and a no-holds-barred interview with me.

That’s right. The special edition of I Am Number 13 will include an exclusive author interview where YOU CAN ASK ME ANYTHING!

Another peek at the AI-generated cover of I Am Number 13!

Ask me anything in a comment below!

You may see your question in the limited-edition, full-color, collectible hardcover copy of I Am Number 13.


Read more about I Am Number 13 HERE.

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  1. How different is the “final product” from the original outline/draft? Also, how does one get entered into the lottery?

    1. Author

      Oh, gosh. GREAT QUESTION. I’ll answer in the interview.

      The LOTTERY – I will post details everywhere in the coming days. I’ll make sure to send them directly to you, since I know you’re looking for them. I swear, I’m not sure how much info people see anyplace these days. It’s so hard to know what to put where, because it all seems to go into a chomping black hole. 🙂

  2. Hmm…”Ask Me ANYthing” could be a dangerous can of worms. 🙂

    1. Author

      Few people will ask me anything, so I’m not worried. Over coffee this morning, I told MTM how hard it is to gear up for this again. The noise I must break through to get anyone on this planet to do anything is crushing, deafening, maddening. It takes shrouding myself in bullet-proof material and dragging myself to my computer to craft stuff, knowing almost no one will see it because algorithms, most of those who see it won’t register it, and most of those who register it won’t care. Pick myself up. Dust myself off. Tell myself what I do still matters. Repeat the above. Ad nauseum.

  3. Andra, what do you do during the writing process to relax when too tense, and to focus when too relaxed?

  4. What adaptations are you exploring so that you can continue to write! as your eyesight deteriorates?

    1. Author

      I hope my eyesight doesn’t deteriorate further, but great question! I’m including it on my list. Thank you.

  5. While you are writing, do you find it difficult to return to your ‘every day’ state of mind? (I ask because when I am ‘reading’ a book that captures my interest and I become invested in, I find it a bit of a shock to return to ‘today’ and the feelings not associated with the book.)

    1. Author

      Love this question!!! Can’t wait to answer. Adding to my list. Thank you.

    2. Author

      Love this question! Can’t wait to answer it for the special edition.

  6. have you found the number 13 to be lucky or unlucky for you?

    1. Author

      I don’t know why your question was in my spam folder, Beth.

      But since they’ve been submitted already, I’ll answer you here.

      I’m not sure yet. In some cases, it’s been extremely lucky (as you’ll shortly see with a big announcement.) On the sales side, it’ll probably be meh. I consider myself lucky to have finished it AND to be proud of it. I couldn’t write for more than a year due to illness and treatment. This book represents my lucky (and hopefully final) passage to the other side of trauma. I’m still here, still writing, still speaking, still able to do what I love. And that’s the luckiest thing that matters.

  7. Do you encounter people who are more interested in you than they are in reading your books? Perhaps they’ve identified you as personable and someone they’d like to know better, and they’ll even purchase a book, but they don’t read? Is this in any way a challenge to you?

    1. Author

      This is a great question. I’m going to answer it here, because the final copy is submitted.

      I regularly convince people who don’t read to buy my books. My program is engaging. I’m sure attendees are often interested in me more than my work.

      This whole thing is challenging, as you know better than many. You’ve seen behind the curtain all the way to the outhouse! A fraction of folks who’ve bought my books in any format have actually read them. Devices are bursting with downloaded books people couldn’t get to in three lifetimes. I suspect the books I offload in person are read more frequently, but I don’t know. NWMF is still very popular. I’m trying to be more zen about the whole thing. ?????

      1. I truly wondered how it felt to you. As i’ve shared before, so few of my friends are really readers. Many purchase books, but when I inquire about what they’ve been reading, a favorite topic of conversation for me, there is typically an uneasy silence or excuse. I think there is something very valuable in relationships, however, and so your perspective seems really spot on. Your observation about how many books I own, versus how many I will read, is certainly true. That hit me one day and I felt a little overwhelmed. LOL!

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