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back to work

Day TwentySeven: Back to Work

In my Messejana studio and back to work! Today, much of my work occurred off the page. MTM challenged me. He thinks this story can be so much more.

Daily Word Count: (4,387)
Cumulative Words Written: 45,232
Total Words Discarded: 10,487
Total Chapters Drafted: 18
Time Spent Writing Today: 1 hours

back to work

In my Messejana studio and back to work!

Today, much of my work occurred off the page. While in Madrid, MTM challenged me to create richer, deeper characters.

His words, “There’s a lot to this story. It could be so much more.”

For the first time, I created a grid system in my journal and assigned qualities to a specific character. After I finish this update, I’ll hit TRASH on the first two chapters I wrote earlier in my residency.

Bye-bye, 4,000-ish words!

In Madrid, I couldn’t write, but I had a lot of time to daydream. After several false starts, I know where the story begins. (Though that could change ten more times before I’m done.) In the coming days, I will try a challenging literary device for a character. My word count will likely fall off as I rework scenes, color in details, and massage the language.

That’s writing a book, people.

Produce tens or hundreds of thousands of words to find the best story. Question everything. Dive deep into details. Draft after draft after draft after draft after draft.

MTM is safe on the other side of the Atlantic. I’m reorganizing my manuscript and heading down the hill for dinner with my new artist family. I missed Sarah, Jen, and Sebastao, and I have a new resident to meet! Tone is from Norway.

Lots of art happened while I was away. Stop-motion animation. Oil-painted canvas. Wood working. 3-D printing. I hope everyone will give permission to share a peek in the coming days.

back to work

Here’s to getting back to some good work!

To follow my residency at Buinho Creative Hub from the beginning, CLICK HERE and read forward.

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  1. It’s ironic that some of the stuff that gets tossed was, initially, your favorite stuff.

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