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when life competes for my attention

Day TwentyNine: When Life Competes for my Attention

I'm no multi-tasker. I struggle to listen to people. Write. Produce content. Entertain. When life competes for my attention, nothing gets done.

Daily Word Count: 205 net (so far)
Cumulative Words Written: 45,710
Total Words Discarded: 13,850
Total Chapters Drafted: 19
Time Spent Writing Today: 2.5 hours

I’m not a multi-tasker. I struggle to listen to people. Write. Produce content. Entertain. Respond to comments. Create. Pay attention to my husband. Nurture other relationships. Take care of myself and avoid stress.

When life competes for my attention, nothing gets done.

 when life competes for my attention

Today was one of those days. I have less than two weeks to make these words into something. Yes, I can work on it elsewhere, and I will. But I want to leave a residency with a workable novel. I probably put too much pressure on myself, but without it, nothing happens.

On top of that, life seeps in around the edges. Urgent forms to sign and return. Phone calls to make. Yucky conversations at every turn.

I hope to finish another chapter before I sleep.

But whether I do or not, I escaped my studio this afternoon. Jen, Sarah and I took a long walk. We talked about all kinds of things: happy, stressful, creative. Residents become family. I’m going to miss these ladies when I leave, and I’m already starting to mourn it.

when life competes for my attention

When life competes for my attention, I need to slow down. Reach out. Always remember to take care of me first. Otherwise, I’m not good for anyone.

So tonight, I’m taking comfort in my horoscope. Laugh at my superstitiousness. But it says I’m working on something great, whether I feel it right now or not. Sometimes, we need to take comfort wherever we find it. Allow ourselves to heed to those gems of wonder from the universe. And know that, whatever happens, we matter.

To follow my residency at Buinho Creative Hub from the beginning, CLICK HERE and read forward.

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  1. The reading I did last week in Portland stressed me out until I was there doing it, hearing/watching people reacting favorably to what I was reading. Were my fears baseless? Hard to say. But the performance was fine and satisfying. And so, I predict, will be the work you are doing at this residency.

    1. Author

      This is the most ambitious thing I’ve ever attempted. I’m struggling.

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