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Looking Back to Live in the Moment

This week, various riffs on the word *looking* for 2021. Looking back. Ahead. Looking Glass Rock. Up. At ourselves. Looking without seeing.

Looking back at my younger self I can say, “Wow, it’s a good thing you didn’t know what was coming”?

Me in Montreal snow. Christmas 2007.

I was a ticking bomb. Professionally unfulfilled but financially successful. Headed into my most lucrative year ever. Followed by the worst decade of my life.

Or was it? Five published books. A New York Times bestselling memoir. A feat of athletic endurance. Thousands of new readers. Speeches on multiple continents. Hundreds of stories from readers who made meaningful memories because of Dad and me. Looking back provides helpful perspective.

Without the bad, I never would’ve accomplished so much good.

Do you set new year goals?

I used to be the world’s most organized, detailed goal setter. A special journal. Categories for career, fitness, finances and more. Weekly and monthly looking back sessions and progress updates.

All that work can turn goals into a bunch of balls to juggle, right?

I usually let my lists go as soon as I missed a milestone. Because what was the point when I couldn’t follow through?

These days, I focus on daily tasks. I try to live in the moment. One more day on my yoga mat makes me stronger healthier saner. A quick spin class makes my heart resilient. A note to a friend sows life-long good feeling. Every time I hug MTM, I move closer to being whole.

I still have goals. Get an agent for my next book. Sell 100,000 copies of my next book. Make audio versions of my novels. Get my books translated into other languages. Command a certain fee per speech.

Any step toward those goals is success. Showing up is more important than outcome.

We made it to the end of 2020!

Throwback to Looking Glass Rock. Near Brevard, North Carolina.

I’ve done tough hikes in my life, but Looking Glass almost killed me. Endless switchbacks marched to the sky. Numerous false summits. Loose stones and tree roots tripped me. We walked onto this granite ledge and into a thunderstorm. Slipped on rain-soaked rock and almost fell into the abyss.

Throughout this dumpster fire year, I thought of this hike. I wanted to turn around go back stop climbing give up lie down have a tantrum, but I kept going. And at the end, I stood at the top of the valley and savored a misted Blue Ridge vista.

Celebrate the 2020 views you found, dear soul. You did it.

Recent Reads: The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells by Andrew Sean Greer

Greer’s writing is rich and atmospheric. I loved his take on time travel in this novel that allows a grieving woman to explore other versions of her life. Bouncing between WWI, WWII and the 1980s, Greta finds out whether people make the same choices in other circumstances. I read this lovely story in one day. It forced me to consider whether I would ever choose the road not taken.

Buy yours HERE.

➡️ I purchase every new book featured with my own funds. I do not offer endorsements in exchange for a feature. My opinions are honest assessments of books I read, enjoy, and believe worthy of your time. Creators cannot create if people fail to support their work with actual money. I am doing my part to support worthy writers in many genres and career stages.

Twisting lunge doesn’t look challenging.

Both feet are on the ground. I’m not upside down or balancing on one arm or otherwise contorted into a pretzel.

But twisting lunge pose requires me to be centered. Focused. It emanates from my core.

Whenever I feel myself wobbling, I break out a twisting lunge. We can’t accomplish much if we aren’t centered. Everything we do emanates from a strong core, a confident foundation, a steady gaze. This pose gathers my scattered pieces and glues them back together. I emerge rested, focused, and whole.

Good practice for life. And for a new year.

She hurt her neck looking up at God.

She is the worshipper in the temple. You know the one, right? Who walks to the altar, raises her face to the sky, and tells God how pleased he should be with her spiritual walk. She shares daily Bible verses on social media. Asks a stranger about the state of his soul. Sends thoughts and prayers in response to every calamity. Gives more than ten percent of her income to her church, even in a recession! Makes sure everyone knows her vote comes after much prayer. Lectures everyone with the proper measure of spiritual correctness.

When she should be the other person in the parable. Prostrate on the floor. Unworthy to raise her face to heaven. Because she understands God is in everything she does, every word she utters, every harm she inflicts, every wrong she ignores, every person she rejects.

Actions speak louder than wordy prayers and pompous piety.

As we begin a new year, embrace your value.

Give yourself what you need. Take time. Slow down. Be gentle. Daydream. Listen. Look at people instead of screens. Focus on one thing at a time. Eat dessert. Nap. Meander. Doodle. Tell someone how much she matters. Surprise another person just because. Breathe. Be still. Be.

Self-love isn’t psychobabble. It’s how we find tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

Here’s to your every tomorrow, dear soul.

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  1. We are skating closer to critical days for our democracy. I hope the thin ice holds.

    1. Author

      I used to believe our institutions could withstand anything. No longer. When half the country willingly lives in an alternate universe, we will never come together and heal. They don’t want to heal. They want to totally annihilate their opponent. And they have slavishly proven all they need is a capable dictator. In 2024, they will nominate that person.

  2. I love this post. The whole post meanders and doodles, while faithfully reflecting everything I love about your writing. This is going to be a selfish ask, but you should absolutely make audio versions of your books, because I rarely have time to crack one anymore, but I listen as much as possible to the written word and so I feel that would benefit me and those like me. Also, I appreciate the recommendation of The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells, that’s going right on the top of my Audible list.

    1. Author

      I sometimes manage to give these a theme. Ha. I started these to plot IG posts, but I like them so much more as one disconnected story.

      I’m setting up a recording studio in my house and plan to start recording these posts and other short-form pieces as practice for the novels. You’ll get your wish by the end of 2021. ?

      It’s good to see you. And to see you posting again. Here’s to 2021.

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