I’m behind, Dear Reader. The holidays smack anyone, but they steamroll stupid people. The world’s procrastinators. People who know they have a professional license requiring forty hours of continuing education, yet put off completing said hours until the last seconds of the year.

Yesterday, I sat through nine hours of lectures on the United States Income Tax Code. If ever I needed #DadIsWellHung entries………..I have more than a few. Let’s jump on them, shall we?Continue Reading

We’re nuts! Last weekend, we drove from Charleston to Florence to Columbia to Augusta to Columbia to Charleston in twenty-four hours. Dad fell asleep in his recliner, crowing about your #DadIsWellHung entries. Mom shares everything she sees and laughs. And laughs. And laughs.
I don’t even want to THINK about what this is doing for their sex life.
ICK!Continue Reading