new york times best selling authors

In case people still exist who haven’t heard about my recent accomplishment, please allow me to bray it again.
I’m now a New York Times
Best Selling Author!!!!!

We authors must enjoy these titles however they come. For most of us, they lack piles and piles and piles of money and unending fame. It’s a rung on a still-staggering climb. A step toward the crest of Mount Everest, though we haven’t crossed the ice field crevasses on flimsy metal ladders during an avalanche or walked past all the dead bodies entombed in full view.

Or maybe it’s a Grand Canyon-style cliff from which to fall. North Rim. Because HIGHER and STEEPER.

I’m ecstatic. And grateful. And very, very realistic. Please enjoy my 10 Myths of Most New York Times Best Selling Authors.Continue Reading

“I can’t believe my flight is delayed.” That’s me. Professional whiner. I was supposed to be in Nashville for the 27th Annual Southern Festival of Books. Delta’s mysterious flight cancellation forced me to miss a day.

One day of networking. One day of making impressions on potential readers. One day of milking an event I had to bankroll in order to participate.

Anyone who checks my recent calendar knows I’m a pro at upset plans. This time was no different. I did what I always do…….Continue Reading


Erwin Magbanua is a twenty-first century librarian. He’s the Programming and Special Events Coordinator for San Diego Public Library. The man is in charge of events for almost forty branches. He organizes everything from author events to movie nights to corporate trainings to weddings.

Yes, people actually want to get married at San Diego’s new Central Library. And they want to hold receptions on the ninth floor rooftop, with booze and bands and a diving board designed by the building’s architect.

But that’s not why my readers will care about Erwin. I understand what makes you people swoon…………..Continue Reading