Andra is an acclaimed keynote speaker, a dynamic workshop facilitator, and a seasoned entertainer.
To book Andra for a speaking engagement, contact her publicist at .
Latest Past Events
NHC Place of Cool Springs
NHC Place of Cool Springs 211 Cool Springs Blvd., FranklinAndra is always available to give a motivational talk, join reading groups, or meet book clubs. Wherever your group meets, Andra has options for personal appearances, internet conferences, and video discussions that will enrich your experience with her books. To book Andra for your group, contact publicity(at)andrawatkins(dot)com. At the meeting, Andra
Lewis County TN Library
Lewis County Library 15 Kyle Avenue, HohenwaldJoin Andra at the library for an interactive discussion. Andra’s memoir is about making memories, about turning I wish I had into I’m glad I did. Andra’s presentation challenges audiences to evaluate their relationships. She gives attendees concrete ideas and strategies to leave inspired to Make a Memory of their own.
Gallatin Rotary Lunch Meeting
Gallatin Country Club 1501 East Main St, GallatinAndra’s Rotary presentation challenges audiences to evaluate their relationships. She gives attendees concrete ideas and strategies to leave inspired to Make a Memory of their own. Andra will have tools available to help each person create a specific invite for a loved one. Everyone will leave charged to Make a