adventure or agony

I don’t often write about my life before I met MTM, but I was an adult for fifteen years before we married. At twenty-two, I believed I ‘should’ be married. I engaged in a six-week courtship with a preacher-boy, said yes when he proposed, and married him five months later. Warnings screamed from all quarters, but I ignored them. This man was everything I believed a husband should be. I knew he’d make me happy.Continue Reading

My first husband will always be special. We were married for a month in sixth grade. I was Claudia to his Pilate in a Christian school Easter play, and I DID NOT want to play his wife. Chuck was gangly and nerdy, but what eleven-year-old boy isn’t?

I didn’t want to be his wife, because he was so much more gifted than I was. He occupied the space and commandeered the audience, leaving my woeful lack of skill apparent to everyone. For the rest of my life, he will be one of the most talented, creative people I will ever know.

He died this year.
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