Andra at Minneapolis Uptown Rotary Club! Andra’s Rotary presentation challenges audiences to evaluate their relationships. She gives attendees concrete ideas and strategies to leave inspired to Make a Memory of their own. Andra will have tools available to help each person create a specific invite for a loved one. EveryoneContinue Reading

Andra at North Minneapolis Rotary Club! Andra’s Rotary presentation challenges audiences to evaluate their relationships. She gives attendees concrete ideas and strategies to leave inspired to Make a Memory of their own. Andra will have tools available to help each person create a specific invite for a loved one. EveryoneContinue Reading

cadair idris

I never would’ve combined the Indian practice of ayurvastra with Cadair Idris, the second tallest peak in England and Wales, but that’s the beauty of a residency. It shakes up our synapses, opens us up to new experiences, and encourages collaboration. Carly Seller and I climbed to the lake onContinue Reading