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The Tour du Roi

This weekend, MTM and I are going on a road trip. Nine hours one way in the car with my father. I will be both voiceless and insane by the time we arrive at our destination.

East Tennessee. We are attending Roy’s 60th high school reunion. He lined up two dates instead of one. He’s been yelling about it for months. Every phone call goes something like this:


Yes, Dad.



Okay, because I done bought the tickets. They was sixty dollars. SIXTY. I’m not tellin’ you like I expect you to pay me back or nothin’. 

Right, Dad.

HUH?!?!?! I said SIXTY. Your part’s FORTY.


Four days touring Roy’s early life. I am confident that we will tramp through graveyards. Eat really-bad-for-us food. (Or, just really bad food.) Drag ourselves past my Dad’s old home place and imagine my grandparents on the porch, dipping snuff. Tour the site of the Scopes Monkey Trial, only because Dad likes to say the phrase ‘Scopes Monkey Trial‘ over and over and over again.

Dad will hurt himself trying to do ‘blog-worthy’ things. I will probably hear the words I’m funny, ain’t I? You gonna write about that on your blog? Huh? at least a million times.

You are lucky, Dear Reader. MTM booked a cabin in the middle of nowhere. It has no internet or mobile access. Otherwise, I might be tempted to live-blog this Tour du Roi experience for four straight days. I will try to bring you the best parts. It might be a series that takes a whole month to complete.


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  1. It’s good to revisit. Look forward to hearing about it. Stay sane 😉

    1. Sane. Ha. Now in the car with Dad, and his opening remark was “I was late because I got to foolin’ around with your mother…..”

      1. I remember your tales from a while ago Andra….

      1. I was going to post the pic of you last night as if you were in stark terror of your Roy Days, but, unable to do so. Will email it to you to use or abuse as you choose….for new shoes…sorry, the rhyming just got me carried away.

        1. I do not look like I am in stark terror in that photo, Lou. I look crazy.

  2. I’d be getting a serious migraine at this point or anything else that would talk me out of a school reunion! Have as good a time as possible:)

    1. Since it is not MY reunion, Roger, it promises to be interesting. 🙂

  3. I can hardly wait for you to come back and tell the tale…I bet you can hardly wait to get back too. HaHa. Enjoy your trip. 🙂

    1. I have been secretly looking forward to this trip for months. Do not tell Roy.

  4. Sounds like you will have a blast! Cherish the moments With your dad Andra.

  5. Wow, my comment from the iPad worked this morning. I still had to login but at least it worked. Sweet

  6. I can’t wait!

    1. I am going to try to record him, too. He freezes up if he knows, so I will have to be sneaky.

  7. Hilarious, Andra! I can’t wait to hear more about it. Do have fun. I already know you will, and you fully understand these times with your one-of-a-kind dad are priceless!! oxo

    1. Now that Dad and MTM have had their first navigational argument, my morning is complete. 🙂

      1. And you’re just getting started! Just take notes! LOL!

  8. Seriously funny stuff there Andra! Isn’t it something how we transition with our parents? This is going to be a life changing pivotal moment for you…And of course Roy. If not…it will be just darn funny!!!

  9. I just love it when your write about Roy. Your long-suffering-daughter siade makes me smile. Enjoy the fruits of your forty, Andra.

  10. I’m going to enjoy these resulting posts. Just hope the cabin that MTM booked has hot tub and a view of the river!

    1. No hot tub, and Dad is complaining that it is in the middle of nowhere. But, of course, I got a story out of him I’d never heard, which is worth all the complaining.

  11. Oh! That sounds like an excellent road trip! I would love to be a fly on the wall at my Dad’s 60th reunion. I can only imagine the stories and things they never told us 😉

      1. I can’t wait to hear the rest of your adventure!

  12. I cannot say that I’m jealous . . . but I am all ears! Let her rip, Roy! 😀

  13. Can’t wait for tomorrow!! Wine! Drink lots of wine…. Enjoy your dad and have fun!

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