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Smells Like Brie Flavor

Sorry, folks. Quick post due to 24 hours in the bowels of hell. All is perfect now. No worries. But, what is brie flavor?

Sorry, folks. Quick post due to 24 hours in the bowels of hell. All is perfect now. No worries.

But, what is brie flavor?


Why does it look like congealed melted plastic?


(I didn’t eat it. Ick.)

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  1. Yuuuuuck! The only thing that smells and tastes like Brie is.. Brie. The real stuff from France. Forget all the processed copies and embrace the real stuff that sticks to your guts and warms the cockles of your heart. The stuff you showed us there can only serve one purpose: glueing wallpaper.

  2. Brie flavour only works on someone who doesn’t know the flavour of Brie……so quite a lot of people. It’s a bit like imagining chicken really tastes like KFC:)

    1. It doesn’t taste like chicken. It’s been years since I’ve had it.

  3. It’s 5:11am. Ugh. I just woke up and am going back to sleep, but here you go:

    Ah, real Brie, it has a rind
    That foil stuff, ’tis so unkind.
    And “flavor?” What? Don’t make me mad
    That’s not the curd you want to have!

    I’m sure it tastes fine to those chumps
    with extra-wide Velveeta rumps
    You toss that back, not down the hatch
    and do the same with all that batch!

    That cow who laughs may get irate
    but that sort of “cheese” is just bear-bait
    Good Camembert or Neufchâtel
    Will send that plastic stuff to hell

    Of course, for those who don’t know best
    That “flavored” stuff will pass the test
    Its fancy foil that fools the eye
    the palate uniformed won’t cry

    Once spread upon a Thin of Wheat
    It soon becomes a favorite treat
    Before you know, that poor soul’s hooked
    and never knowing they’ve been so rooked

    Just stick with actual Brie and more
    Get cranky with your favorite store
    And shop elsewhere if they still foist
    That metal coated “cheese’ that’s moist!

      1. Awake (sort of)… I just now read that ingredient label. “Brie-type flavor?” Ewww. Hmmm. I see the address to that company on the label now as well (the full image wasn’t loading earlier on my slooooow connection). heh – send them this post and see what happens. They’ll probably send you a cheese sampler to prove they know their fromage, Americaine style…

  4. That just looks like the inside of brie. Poor, naked, fake brie 🙁 it makes me sad that someone would make such a wrong thing. Now I want some brie 🙂 (real brie of course, with the thick white crust!)

    1. I had some of the real stuff this morning with my breakfast. It almost erased this abomination from my memory.

  5. Probably comes from the same factory as Pasteurized Processed Cheese Food. Yikes! And don’t get me started on that American staple, Velveeta. Yuck. I don’t know what Brie flavor is, but I’m here to tell you that I don’t like Brie; Brie flavor, or Camembert, or Blue Cheese. Don’t want to smell them or touch them. You can have all the soft runny cheeses. Not. For. Me.

  6. Once, on a fat-free kick, I discovered “Sour Cream Product”. Not the same as real sour cream. I’m not actually sure what it was exactly, but it didn’t taste like sour cream.
    I love Brie. Brie and fresh, warm french bread. Mmmmmm.

  7. ewwwwwww. but i have to admit, for some reason i love velveta, which is a ‘cheese product.’

  8. I have not seen this until now. Thank you for this educational post this morning. I feel like we need a commercial… This is your body, this is your body on pasteurized processed cheese goo.

  9. Brie flavor???? I’ve never seen that before. Ugh! But now I’ll be on the lookout, in case someone hands me some “brie flavor” instead of brie. I love the real brie.

  10. Ah, cheese . . . I would not know a Brie from a Berkswell, but found I could get a bit of an education at WOW!! Who knew?

    I was raised on this deliciousness: and loved every morsel. When Mom and Dad ran a small neighborhood grocery, huge horns of it were always available for sale by the slice, thick or thin…I can still almost smell and feel it! Since the sale of the brand in ’71, however, it has never seemed the same, and now I rank it right up there with Velveeta and those individual, plastic-wrapped slices of “pasteurized cheese product” — yuk!

  11. Glad all is better.

  12. an abomination! I’m glad you found some of the real thing to erase this from your mind. I am going to have to go to the grocery store.

  13. From childhood, I retain a fondness for wedge-shaped indiviually-wrapped pieces of cheese bought in a circular pack. Of course, if the box containse cheese it made sense to us kids that each segment should be a ‘chee’.

  14. Please don’t snack on that during the Natchez Trace walk. You could definitely find yourself in the bowels of hell. Or hell in your bowels, more likely.

  15. Eew it looks like “airplane” brie. 🙁 I made the mistake of ordering fruit and cheese on a recent flight and while the apples and grapes were fine the three cheeses looked exactly like this…

  16. I would check with Wallace and Grommet. Wallace seems to be an expert on ,!!!!Cheeeese!!!!,

    (side note: the punctuation is my lame attempt at “hands” on both sides of Wallace’s face)

  17. Clearly, it is a cheesy-flavored food substance. Hope the bowels of hell didn’t leave you too pooped. (Sorry, irresistible.)

  18. This reminds me of the different between grape juice and “grape drink.”


  19. I am glad this Brie Flavor has nothing to do with your “bowels of hell”. Glad all is better.

  20. Trying to pass off watery cheddar as delicious brie?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

    If we don’t find a way to get the stuff under control, France is totally going to invade us. If there is anything that will rally the French to war, it is cheese abuse.

  21. Brie “flavor” isn’t the real deal – even if it is from WI. Hope you are feeling better.

  22. I love that it’s not just “brie” flavor, it’s “brie-type” flavor… gross. I too am glad that all is better now!

  23. Just what we need–more faux food! I want the real deal. I hope the “bowels of hell” were not to treacherous. ox

      1. (nodding, laughing) uh huh! And it’s so reminiscent of those processed cheese slices that don’t even melt when you want them to – it’s like they’re avoiding calling Brie at all costs to avoid lawsuits from angry consumers expecting . . . an imitation taste sensation?

  24. What is a Brie type flavor? Wow…can we now expect cheddar type flavor? Gorgonzola type?

      1. Welllll…. there IS that shredded cheese product in every supermarket that for SOME reason WILL NOT MELT (and says so on the package in tiny print!), so I guess that counts as cheddar “flavored” cheese. But it also comes in “blends” too. Why you buy non-melting shredded cheese product is beyond me unless you’re making a fake salad or something… ewww.

  25. I guess you have seen pictures of that sign,”Sweet dreams are made of cheese, who am I to diss a brie?”

  26. Oh wow. That looks quite disgusting. And what’s even worse is the description of the product at the top “…cheese spread brie-type flavor.” It’s a cheese spread (which in itself is gross) with a brie flavor??? What’s wrong with ordinary Brie!!!

    1. The airlines must not want to spend the extra money on the real thing.

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