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A Day Late and A Dollar Short

mtm card

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  1. You are a genuine sweetheart… I wish I had met you 40 years ago.

      1. HE bought YOU a present for HIS birthday? (MM scratches head.) I wonder what you will buy him for your birthday? Hmm.

        1. I’ll buy him something. It’s fun to give at unexpected moments.

  2. oh, i thought you were married to mary tyler moore this whole time! ) happy birthday mtm –

    1. He spent the whole day looking at architecture with two other architects………sort of like an orgy, only with buildings……

  3. Happy Birthday, one day late, to MTM! Otherwise known as your un-Birthday, you are still allowed to eat cake today.

  4. Happy birthday to MTM and Andra. It’s wonderful to share this with us. Now I can eat some cake!

      1. I made a chocolate brownie cake-it’s in the oven as I write-and I’m making walnut chocolate topping and serving it with a Muslide chocolate ice cream.
        By the time the game starts it will all be ready to nosh…with a birthhday candle for MTM. It smells like heaven here.

  5. Greetings are waaaay late from this quarter, but I thought MTM celebrated his entire birthday month (or is that you?) ๐Ÿ™‚ In any event, Happy Birthday!!

    1. That’s me, but we have been doing birthday month for MTM. I have been quiet about it.

  6. He still can’t catch up to me. Bwaahaahhaaaaa…. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hope his wheels spin freely and continue to for many years to come.

    1. Well, he could catch you, but that would mean……well, I don’t want to think about it.

      1. Thank you for not going there! There are probably enough who wish that already.

  7. Very good photo.

    Happy birthday MTM.

  8. Heartfelt reality makes great fiction. My favorite stories have a love story in them somewhere.

  9. So beautiful! Happy belated birthday MTM. I hope you celebrated with something decadent!

  10. Beautiful birthday wish, Andra. Your homework is to translate it into Spanish. ๐Ÿ™‚ Felicidades a MTM, the big _ _ is not soooo bad – yet.

  11. Oh, and I thought all this time he was Migh T Mouse!
    If he didn’t have a great birthday, it is entirely his own fault!

  12. Reading this warmed my heart ๐Ÿ™‚
    Happy Birthday MTM! Hope you both have a wonderful day!

    1. He didn’t get a kilt for his birthday. He will leave that to you. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Happy Birthday MTM!

  14. perfect

    I hope he had a great birthday of structure, fine lines, and artistic wellness.

    1. And buildings. And discussions of buildings. And pictures of buildings. And crashing private areas of buildings……

  15. Michael is a great guy, and you are a good woman. It’s great that the two of you are such a good pair and a good example for those out there looking for love. All the best MTM.

  16. Happy Birthday, Michael. And you are so beautiful to so openly express your love and admiration for your MTM. I love that about you. You both are quite the team! ox

  17. Happy birthday MTM! I hope you two crazy kids managed to get into some celebratory shenanigans!

  18. Happy belated b-day, MTM.
    I’m just old enough to have decreed that one should celebrate his or her birthday all month long.
    I’m also old enough to have announced that one can get a birthday card from me no matter when their birthday is, but, whenever I find that one special card I bought just for them and can’t find. Sign.

  19. Happy birthday to MTM! My love just had a birthday as well. Those Capricorns sure are great.

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