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rowe copeland

Master of My Domain?

In my consulting firm, I've been Master of My Domain, Mistress of My Own PR. And one of the biggest things about PR is knowing when you can do it yourself, and admitting when you need help. For a book launch, I knew I needed a freaking LOT of help.

In my consulting firm, I’ve been Master of My Domain, Mistress of My Own PR. And one of the biggest things about PR is knowing when you can do it yourself, and admitting when you need help.

For a book launch, I knew I needed a freaking LOT of help.

When Kathie Bennett at Magic Time Literary Agency introduced me to Rowe Copeland at The Book Concierge, I knew I found salvation. Rowe works tirelessly behind the scenes, organizing all manner of things that would take me days and days and days. From convincing people to take a look at To Live Forever: An Afterlife Journey of Meriwether Lewis to fielding my ranting, tearful e-mails in the middle of the night, Rowe is a real PR star.

Because you may see her around the blog during my walk, I wanted you to get to know her first hand. So, without further yap from me, I’m honored for you to meet Rowe.


Thanks, Andra, for the chance to introduce myself to your readers. I have thoroughly enjoyed working on this project with you and can’t wait to see what happens next.

So, here’s a little about myself. I’m a Southern girl through and through. I was born in North Carolina and have lived all over the Southeast. I’m proud to be an alum of Salem College (the first women’s college in the nation, founded in 1772 for all you history buffs) and am glad to be back home in Winston-Salem, NC.

How did I get into books and writing? Well, my very first memory was of my father reading C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe to me before bed. Ever since then books have been my passion. I am an avid reader of all genres and as well as a published poet. My happiest days are rainy and dreary so I can curl up in the reading chair in my loft with my cat, Sylvia, a cup of green tea, and lose my self in a story.

When I’m not reading for fun, I’m reading for work. I’m a book concierge with a client list that ranges from award winning mystery/thriller writers to those looking to find a place in the publishing world. I arrange book tours, media exposure, press releases, manage social media, etc. for authors from small or independent presses that don’t have a media or PR budget. Because I work for myself, I get to be selective about who I take on as a client. I don’t have to be a fan of the genre, but I do have to believe in the writing and the writer.  I’m blessed to have my own business with an eclectic and incredible clientele.


Thanks to Rowe for agreeing to meet a bunch of my readers. You may not realize it, but you’re a really special group to a person who comes upon you from the outside. Please make her feel welcome.

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  1. Welcome Rowe!

    1. Hi, Carlos. Greetings from Oxford, Alabama. Dad sprung $1.82 for my water at Starbucks, and he told the cashier, “I guess she’s worth it.”

  2. This sounds like it’s going to be exciting. You’re very lucky to have found Rowe and we look forward to seeing where she takes your baby…

    1. I’m looking forward to it, too. It’s good to finally be getting started on this crazy trip.

  3. any friend of Narnia is a friend of mine. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Jen! My very first memory is of my dad reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Seems like I’m in good company.

  4. Welcome Rowe and THANK YOU for helping Andra with getting her book published. Andra, I had a late start reading your book, but I can tell you I was HOOKED from the first paragraph. I am anxiously awaiting lunchtime so I can dig into you words again. *two thumbs up*

    1. Thanks, Mary. That’s great to hear. This book is a little out of left field for a lot of my blog readers. I was really nervous about what you and others would think of it. It’s harder to have people you ‘know’ read than it is to have strangers.

      1. I love a book that grabs me by the collar and doesn’t let go. I am a big John Sanford fan – love a story with a lot of action. I am surprised by what you have written, but it’s a very good surprise.

    1. Dad’s classic line of the day (so far): She was so ugly she looked like she’d been eating green apples through a rail fence.

  5. It’s a great pleasure to meet you, Rowe! Thank you for all the support you’ve provided Andra. I wish you and Andra great success in your creative endeavors 🙂

      1. I am relieved to know that you are relying on other people and their expertise for this incredible launch of your book. I was starting to wonder if you were Superwoman 🙂

  6. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rowe! You and Andra seem like you’ll be a great team. Best wishes in this grand adventure.

    1. Dad and I are getting ready to go visit my aunt in a nursing home in Anniston, Alabama. His younger sister. She has severe MS.

    2. Wonderful to meet you, too. This is a great story that needs an audience, so I’m glad to be able to help.

  7. Hi Rowe,

    That’s a great introduction. And you sure have explained what PR is all about when you say, and I quote, “PR is knowing when you can do it yourself, and admitting when you need help.” Would you say that PR is a great pathway to improved authenticity of the self?


  8. Nice to meet you, Rowe!!! So glad you’re working with Andra to promote this book!

  9. Hi Rowe. As a person who did not get the PR gene, I am glad to meet you. It’s comforting to know that there are real people who know how to get that work done. I get the big picture, but the nuts and bolts? I’m clueless. I suspect, at the very least, that I will ask you for advice. If Andra speaks (writes?) highly of you, then you’re certainly worth your weight in platinum.

    1. The world of this whole thing is pretty intricate. I’m glad to have her in my corner.

  10. How very nice to meet you, Rowe; and extra bit of excitement as Andra begins her book launch.

    1. I hope there will be all kinds of excitement before we’re done, Penny. Dad is providing all the excitement today.

    1. Hey Kathy. Guess who I’m staying with at the end of this crazy trip?? Tori. 🙂

  11. Rowe, I am thrilled that you are taking such good PR care of Andra. As a PR consultant, I work with small businesses, and while I get lots of book / PR requests, as with Andra, I know it is not my métier. She has worked tirelessly and to great achievement and I’ll happily amplify all your efforts. Feel free to write me to boost your Tweets, posts, etc. I’m at cheryl (at) CharlestonPR (dot) com.

    1. Thanks, Cheryl! I appreciate all the help we can get. And feel free to pass my information on to any writer who may need a little help.

      1. Rowe, I will certainly do that! I do get calls and I’d love to send them along to others. Marjory Wentworth and I are dear friends (I think you are one of hers too) and I frequently share leads with Marj, but since she is busy, it is not always a fit for her…

      2. Wonderful! I’m full to capacity right now, but will be able to take on one or two clients in mid to late March.

  12. Yay Andra! And welcome Rowe!
    Today is my travel day – which means it’s the day I get to start reading To Live Forever. So excited! xoxo

      1. LAS to SFO cancelled so they routed me to Dulles instead. In that confusion I realized that while I had bought the book on Amazon, I hadn’t downloaded it to kindle and by the time u figured that out, I was on the plane with no wifi. 4.5 hours that was previously planned for reading ended up flipping thru Glamour and Harpers Bazarre. Just landed in D.C. Will see if it’s synced up yet so I can FINALLY start reading. Sheesh. 🙁

    1. I’m glad you’re there, at least. Those mags are good company during stress.

      1. Chapter 18, Andra!! All that reading on the short Dulles to Toronto puddle jumper! I’m hooked! Can’t wait to finish tomorrow!

  13. So very nice to meet you. And thank you for helping out our friend. 🙂

      1. Yes – if I can talk my sister into going – otherwise it will be little ole me on the trail with the four legged wild animals.

  14. Welcome Rowe! How wonderful to hear that that you are part of Andra’s exciting journey!

  15. Thank you, Rowe for seeing the amount of talent Andra possesses and for helping the rest of the world get a glimpse of her! 🙂

    1. I still smell like pina colada. Maybe Alice and I can sneak away from Dad and have a drink. Ha. He doesn’t drink.

        1. I’m sure we can find one later. We’re in a Fairfield Inn right next to Interstate 20. We might have to drive a little ways. 🙂

    2. I’m confident that if the world gets a glimpse, they’ll fall in love.

    1. We’re going to be near you mid-April. I’ll email you and let you know what we’re doing to see if we can get together.

    1. Tom, we may run across some 1642 stuff on this trip. Stay tuned……..

  16. Howdy Rowe!!!
    You should be warned, Andra’s blog can be an “interesting” place to hang out at times. Kinda of like Obscura Antiques from the Discovery show Oddities. I have discovered that every subject is fair game. It is also refreshing to meet a person who does not mince words. I guess that is why I keep coming back to see what is going on. MTM also adds another fun dimension to Andra’s blog.

    1. She studied my blog before she took me on, Patrick. And she still wanted to work with me. Ha.

    2. Heh. I won’t work with anyone who don’t have… personality… 🙂

  17. Cool, Andra, now know where to go when I finish my book. Always nice to hear about positive things that happened!

      1. Likewise. Life just gets busier and busier. But groovier too.

  18. welcome to the blogosphere, rowe. we love andra and trust her instincts, so know we’ll enjoy you ) beth

    1. After spending a solid day with Dad, I’m not sure I trust my instincts. Ha.

      1. this is understandable. i may have to rethink this )

    2. Thanks for the welcome. I’m glad to be here and I’m most assuredly in Andra’s corner.

  19. It’s a real pleasure for me to meet Rowe, and to learn more about her role in your publicity, Andra. I have friends who have been published, and then once the book is released they have been more or less on their own to create their own publicity tour. Very, very hard work! I can hear that Ms. Copeland is a professional with your best interest in sight. Thank you, Rowe. We love Andra and are pulling for her–all 400+ miles and beyond. 🙂

    1. I’m honestly thrilled to be a part this project. And it is hard work, but when you have an author and a story you believe in, that work becomes something more. I’m glad that Andra and I were able to come together.

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