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To Live Forever Tour Stop: The Peoples Cafe

I don't know if they ever served cinnamon twist doughnuts at the Peoples Cafe in Jackson, MS. Initially, I imagined that whole scene inside an old-time Krispy Kreme, with the vinyl swivel stools and low-slung coffee counter. My dad used to take me to the one on the main drag in Florence, SC when I was a little girl.

I don’t know if they ever served cinnamon twist doughnuts at the Peoples Cafe in Jackson, MS. Initially, I imagined that whole scene inside an old-time Krispy Kreme, with the vinyl swivel stools and low-slung coffee counter. My dad used to take me to the one on the main drag in Florence, SC when I was a little girl.

I always chose a cinnamon twist doughnut.

The Peoples Cafe was an accident. I went to Jackson’s main street to scope out the train/bus station. I saw the boarded up restaurant, the faded sign, and I knew where Merry and Em would land.

I hope it isn’t Merry’s fault the place is closed.

to live forever book, jackson ms

And now, for today’s Reader Question.

Click here to see the best photos from my very first rest day: Andra Watkins Tumblr

You know you’re a WINNER. Tweet, Facebook, type and review your way to Charleston, South Carolina in the To Live Forever Journey to Charleston Contest. The more you enter, the better your change to WIN. Click here to find out more: Support My Aching Feet.

Finish the book before I’m done walking. To Live Forever: An Afterlife Journey of Meriwether Lewis is available in paperback and e-book formats at these outlets: Click to Purchase To Live Forever.


parnassusI have a final announcement: Parnassus Books, a Nashville powerhouse independent bookstore, is hosting an event for me on April 3 at 6:30pm. Parnassus is one of the largest indy bookstores in the Southeast. I was slogging through the last mile of a day when I got word, and I think I flew to the finish. If you’re in the Nashville area (and if I know where you live, expect an invite), please come out to Parnassus and meet me on the last day of my walk. I’d love to see you there.

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  1. I am loving your walk. I feel like I’m there with you. Is that the bookstore that Ann Patchett owns?

      1. I’m traveling through Nashville at this precise moment. I was just south of there to spend the weekend with a friend.

  2. I live quite a piece farther north of Nashville and I’ve heard of Parnassus Books! That is really cool news. I can see how it made the last mile of the day fly by. Good job, Andra.

  3. A great opportunity for you to celebrate the end of the trip! Congratulations on booking the gig.

  4. That is excellent! I have been to Parnassus Books and it is a great place. I will inform my sister who lives just outside of Nashville. Way to go.

    Now I need a doughnut.

  5. I hope ALL of Nashville turns out to meet you, and that booksellers everywhere will soon be clamoring for an hour or two of your time! Congratulations!

    By the way, isn’t it cool that most hotel/motel vanities are JUST large enough…. 😀

    1. That’s actually the kitchen in our current place. The counter fits my butt better. 🙂

  6. Wonderful news! Loving following this trek! I’m even learning something…like what a ping back is (not that I can actually DO IT yet!) And how to share a post -which I did! etc…hoo boy what a neanderthal I can be. I have a question too. Do you read while you walk? I used to read a lot when I walked home from school and I wondered if that was something you did to pass the time?

    1. I can’t read or listen to anything via earbuds when I walk. With all the traffic, I need to be able to hear what’s coming up behind me. And, I trip a lot, so I have to keep my eyes dead ahead.

  7. Perfect ending to your trek on the Trace! And I love your toes… hope they got a good soak & rest!

    1. Soaking twice a day right now, Virginia. They already look so much better.

  8. So enjoying your trek in tandem with the book. Keep on truckin’. (We said stuff like that in the ’70’s.)

    1. I wish I remembered more of that CB lingo. One of my neighbors had a CB, and they used to talk on it while they watched television.

      1. Used to be CB fluent (in another lifetime); first hubby was simply an afficionado and the second was a trucker! 🙂 We actually revisited a little 70’s CB lingo today; one of the cable channels was running Smokey and the Bandit when we were at our sister’s house!

  9. Awesome news to have such a perfect ending to your journey!

    Now for my question about your videos which may or may not end up being a video question:

    How many times are you redoing the videos or are you busting these all out as one take masterpieces?

  10. Great news about your book. I can’t wait to read it.

    I love cafes like that. I prefer them to any other type of restaurant.

    1. We had dinner at the Mayflower Cafe right down the street. It was awesome.

  11. Like Michael, I now require a cinnamon twist doughnut. I haven’t had one in oh, DECADES, but reading that post made me want one. Grrr. That was my stomach kicking me because no one nearby makes them. Ah well. I shall pretend I have one. While listening to some DEVO, of course:

    1. The Krispy Kreme in the town where I grew up was the only one that had them. I can almost taste one now.

  12. The excitement continues! Did you have a churro or two while you were in Spain? The best twists ever! 🙂

    1. I lurrrrrrrrve those things, Maria. With the hot chocolate that tastes like pudding.

    1. I don’t recall seeing any when I was out there, Vince, but it’s been too long since I’ve toured the Gorge. Such a pretty place.

  13. I would love to come, but it’s a long commute. I will, however, tell my Nashville people.

  14. Andra! Such wonderful news about your bookstore event! Squee!

  15. Congrats on the bookstore event! A chance to promote your book, sell a few copies and make new friends (readers). Rock on! Walk on!

      1. Is that like the politician holding the baby or you only want to see how much trouble he can get into?

  16. How exciting to about the Parnassus invitation! That’s a great opportunity for you to share your book and stories of your adventure! A bobcat? I wasn’t certain how much the highway interfered with the wildlife, but I knew those animals had to be close. I just wasn’t sure of the visibility. I frankly think there’s a future book that could come just from this amazing walk. Now a new week begins and we’re all pulling for you. 🙂 ox

    1. One of our hosts said the bobcat population was ramping up because the deer are out of control. I’m surprised I saw one, because they’re very shy. When it watched me walk for quite a ways, I admit I was a little nervous.

  17. Parnassas books is my kind of bookstore – and Iive indie bookstores. Cpngrats on that , Andra

    Yikes! Bobcats.

  18. Checking my financials! Andra, I am truly enjoying your walking expedition and yes, I’m telling everyone I know, and those I don’t know. So proud of you.

    1. I’m glad this is enjoyable for so many people. For the most part, I’m having a blast.

  19. Love the list of the wildlife you’ve seen so far. Hope you can keep sights of rattlesnakes to a minimum. Bluebirds are my favorite. When I see one, I always think of my stepdad (now deceased) who loved them.

    1. I’m the same with cardinals. I always think of my Mamaw, who loved them. 🙂

  20. Congratulations on the gig at Parnassus, Andra 🙂 Excellent news. May your feet grow wings.

  21. I am so, SO excited about your gig at Parnassus! I so wish I could attend.

  22. how cool, and i’m happy to be catching up with you along the trail. i’ve been away for a few days and want to see what you’ve been up to )

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