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I Must Be Seeing Things

It winks at me. On the horizon. Is that what I think it is?

It winks at me. On the horizon. Is that what I think it is?


It’s a blasted tree limb.

A survey stake.

Reflectors to mark an overpass. Or a culvert.

It’s everything but the next mile marker. My mind tricks my eyes into seeing things. And in the last five miles, the thing I most want to see is the mile marker that announces


On Tuesday, I was a third of the way to Nashville. Lots of blisters, but I’m pushing on with new hiking sandals and two epsom salt foot soaks a day.

The Natchez Trace will NOT lick me.

Click here to see the best photos from Day 12 of my Natchez Trace walk: Andra Watkins Tumblr

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I’ll bet you can read the book faster than I can walk to Nashville. To Live Forever: An Afterlife Journey of Meriwether Lewis is available in paperback and e-book formats at these outlets: Click to Purchase To Live Forever.

And here’s today’s Reader Question:


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  1. You cannot and will not be licked. I would send text you a positive thought today, but I forgot my phone so this will have to do. 15 days.

    1. I’m counting the days, Lisa. 🙂 I can’t wait to meet you.

    1. Amidst all the trials, I had an amazing moment today. I almost took a nap in a field of daffodils.

  2. Cypress swamp is beautiful in daylight. But I’d be scared to be there at night. I bet you heard lots of ghosts talking that day!

    1. I think swamps are really beautiful places, but you’re right. I don’t know that I’d venture into one at night.

  3. I love cypress swamps. They are beautiful, scary, and peaceful all at the same time. Especially interesting when you see shiny pairs of eyes slowly float to the surface to watch you go by.

    Keep on Truckin’!!

    1. I went to the edge to take a picture of the cypress knees, and I was extra careful of eyes……..

  4. Alligators? Yeah well I think I will avoid the swamps for now. maybe sometime later.

    1. They’re not usually interested in you, John………..unless you get in the water.

      1. I had one chase me on the 12th hole at the PGA course in West Palm. The only water I was in that day was manufactured by me.

  5. What was the smell like? And, I’m not so sure I’d turn my back to that swamp if I thought an alligator might be lurking.

    1. I don’t really think swamps smell……….the cypress trees produce tannins that stain the water black.

      1. Wow – and here I’ve thought there would be a musty, boggy smell. Thanks Andra.

  6. Every once in a while you’ll find an alligator this far up. Often they just float about in the water and not bother anything… until they do.

    1. Fascinating. I wouldn’t have thought they’d be in Ohio. I’d never look for one there. That’s when they’d get me. 🙂

  7. I love cypress swamps, especially to canoe in. They have almost a cathedral quality to them. Here’s a question since you’re standing next to a swamp: Any problems with biting bugs yet? Mosquitoes love me which is why I don’t love where I live … mosquitoes year-round. In winter, they are just easier to swat, but they don’t let up.

    1. That’s an excellent description, Marie. They are cathedral-like. I’ll answer your question with a video.

  8. “Hang in there! Etc!” (insert cliche inspirational thought here). But seriously, I know you probably don’t feel it right now, darling, but you’re amazing.

    1. I didn’t feel very amazing this morning, but I do now (because I’m done. Probably my hardest day yet.)

  9. I’ve never seen a cypress swamp but after watching your video and reading the comments above it sounds like something to add to my list. 🙂

    1. Lisa, you would LOVE to photograph a swamp. The trees are majestic, and the light and shadow is really wonderful.

    1. I actually told myself that at one point today, Jon. I tried to imagine your voice. 🙂

  10. Keep on keeping on, Andra. You have my admiration – but, not my read of Emmaline’s interview. Had to stop as I have about 30 pages left, so, will go back to the interview when I’m done. What fun!

  11. I went for my own walk today after work and I cannot imagine walking 15 miles a day, the entire length of the Trace. You are awesome, Andra. Rah! Rah!

  12. Wowser! Great shot of the cypress swamp. I always get crocs and alligators mixed up! Keep on keepin’ on! You’re doing great! Love the photos.

  13. Andra- Madison (my runner child) says that Injinji Toe Socks are used by ultra runners and are her absolute fav to prevent blisters. They also come in a compression variety which she says are great. If you don’t like the toe sock variety, she also recommends Feetures Elite. She says to give the Injinji a try even if they sound weird. Saving people from blisters- one at a time.

    1. I saw your comment and thought I would add in my experience.
      I hiked the 900km Bruce Trail last year and had a terrible time with blisters which I tend to get under and between my toes. I switched to Injinji toe socks at the recommendation of my local running store and they were great. I had serious reservations about fabric between my toes but quite frankly, the sensation becomes transparent very quickly.
      I too would definitely recommend them.

  14. Oh those poor blistered feet! You’re going to deserve a week at a spa when this is behind you! The swamp is what I imagine when I think of the Trace when Merry and Em would have traveled! It’s pretty amazing! You’re doing great and here you are at another weekend. Whew!

  15. I said so yesterday on G+, but Andra, you are a force. An absolute force.

  16. I must be NOT seeing things because I missed this post ’til now. Well, between the stuff I’m doing for the site and a quickie freelance job (yay!), I got busy and missed this update. You know, by the time you finish this walk, MTM won’t recognize you. Well except for the squeaky sound your feet will make because you’re walking in inflatable slippers while your feel heal up.

    On the other hand, watch out for temptation tomorrow, you:

    Tomorrow you’ll hear from behind an old tree
    a raspy voice that makes you shiver
    Yet, amble closer you will despite
    your spine starting to quiver

    Yes, it’s Old Nick looking to trade
    a writer’s soul for some nice breaks
    “How ’bout a lake of sweet tea dear,
    or a pair of roller skates?”

    (Or something like that…)

  17. Hang in there Andra. You’re amazing!

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