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With A Lot of Help From My Friends

I could never have completed a 444-mile walk without the help and support of many. Thank you is inadequate, but it's all I have in these very emotional moments at the end.
I could never have completed a 444-mile walk without the help and support of many. Thank you is inadequate, but it’s all I have in these very emotional moments at the end.
When I said I’d give my phone number to any reader, several of you took me up on it. Linda Washington and Laurence King texted me words of encouragement almost every single day for 34 days. Alice Guess joined them when she left me south of Jackson, MS. Mary Giese and Lisa Kramer thought of me often and let me know. Nancy Teixeira came through by email.
Ladies, none of you realize how often your texts arrived when I was crying. Exhausted. Ready to lop my pulverized feet off at the ankles and go home. You’ll never know how many moments of joy you experienced with me, how many epiphanies you helped me have, or how you allowed me to see my world differently at a precise moment.

Cheryl Smithem, you didn’t have to do what you did. And you know what you did.
Tori Young, you’re putting MTM and me up at your house. For FOUR DAYS. Hosting us is beyond gracious…..even if Thomas does the Wiener Shake.
Joyce Maher, you gave up a week of your life during the worst week of this journey. You probably left thinking your daughter-in-law was the hormonal Spawn of Satan. Thank you for being so patient with me.
Mom and Dad, I never could’ve done this without you. I wouldn’t trade these five weeks with Dad and three with Mom for billions and billions of dollars. Everything we gave up and rearranged was worth it to spend a chunk of time with you.
Have an adventure while you still can.
MTM, you’re the unsung hero of this journey. You took care of mundane details, trekked across multiple states three weekends in a row, talked me through numerous meltdowns, and worked a stressful job to fund my ability to flit off and do something crazy. I’m a better person with you, and I’m glad I’m no longer without you.
Thank you for following me on this journey. Your comments filled my tank and kept me going. Your questions amused me and made me think. Your presence is priceless to me.

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Some people read my novel in a day. Beat me to the finish line.Β ToΒ Live Forever: An Afterlife Journey of Meriwether LewisΒ is available in paperback and e-book formats at these outlets:Β Click to Purchase To Live Forever.

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  1. Sitting here crying happy tears for you. You are an inspiration in so many ways, Andra.
    Now please go get your feet rubbed, and rubbed, and rubbed some more.

  2. Wow. I go off-line a few months and you go off on a forever adventure. Good for you. Sounds like a fascinating book.

  3. So incredibly proud to know you – what an accomplishment! xo

  4. I’m still gonna ask you about the whole thing in July. Enjoy those smiles that come unbidden and the memories that will flow out of this experience for the rest of your life. I’m sure that there are things you’ve earned with this that you don’t know about yet.

  5. So honored to have been a part of this.

  6. Many, many congratulations for completing the walk. I have often thought about you during your trek, I have enjoyed watching your updates immensely – and I thank you very much for sharing them – and I am so very, very pleased for you that you have done this wonderful thing. Enjoy a lovely relaxing recuperation. πŸ™‚

  7. SUPER CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚ But I will miss your lovely and charming videos. But I am glad your feet get to rest. πŸ˜€

  8. Congratulations, Andra! You did it!! My feet bow in homage to your feet.

  9. Warmest congratulations on the achievement. Well done!
    Don’t be surprised now, though, that if you say musingly, ‘I feel like taking a walk,’ everyone round you is likely to overreact drastically!

  10. It has been a delightful journey to witness. You have been so good about sharing. Thank you for bringing us along.

  11. I can’t say enough how awesome you are, Andra. Congratulations on finishing your journey.

  12. We (John, Ryan and I) are so proud of you Andra! What an amazing accomplishment and a fantastic example of following your dreams. I’m thrilled you are now off the road and resting with MTM but a little selfish part of me doesn’t want your daily videos to end. I don’t watch reality tv but apparently I’m hooked on reality authors πŸ™‚

  13. Congrats Andra!
    Soak those feet and relax! Your book is patiently waiting in my reading queue and I am looking forward to it!



  14. Congratulations Andra! I have always enjoyed reading your posts each and every day and I have to say I have told everyone I know about your book and your walk! We are in Utah right now. Today we saw a guy 3 times walking down the road and Billy said “that’s what Andra’s been doing for a month now!”

  15. Congratulations Andra πŸ™‚ It sounds like an epic journey…and I’m glad that it has meant what it is to you because that makes it even more awesomer πŸ™‚

  16. DAMN! I missed where it said I could have gotten your phone number. Crapola! πŸ™ Ah well, you fared just fine without me texting you my silly mundane thoughts. You were always on my mind, ever single day, every single hour. I cannot tell you how much you inspire me. I’ve tried, but I always come up short. You have surrounded yourself with wonderful people. πŸ™‚ Congratulations Andra! YOU DID IT!

  17. My pleasure!!! So proud of you!!! And now that I’m finally back on the Internet (long story), I can say that!

  18. I am so thrilled for you and so proud of you. I will miss your daily videos! They made us all feel like part of the journey. Yay, Andra!

  19. Simply amazing Andra, simply amazing.. I am so proud of you and what you have done. I can not wait to see what the future holds. Somehow I can’t help but feel that this is the beginning of something wonderful. Hugs

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