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The Other Mother - Andra Watkins Skip to content

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The Other Mother

I met Teresa Bruce at a book signing. We shared a table at an event that really wasn't set up to do the dog-and-pony show that's required to sell books. Because browsers need room to linger. And authors require space to pounce. We're like big cats that way.

I met Teresa Bruce at a book signing. We shared a table at an event that really wasn’t set up to do the dog-and-pony show that’s required to sell books. Because browsers need room to linger. And authors require space to pounce.

We’re like big cats that way.

Most of my week-long Montreat sojourn has been filled with writing. But I’ve caulked the gaps with reading. Teresa’s book The Other Mother: A Rememoir is a long length of dark chocolate I doled out to myself in delectable squares.

Because we women have all had issues with our mothers, at some time or another. Still, we crave the attention, the approval, the example of a mother figure.

Teresa found her other mother in Byrne Miller. It’s too late to meet Byrne, unless one savors her on the pages of Teresa’s book.

But what’s weird about The Other Mother is that I came away from it with a greater understanding of my OWN mother. The compromises she made. The sacrifices of self at the altar of others’ happiness. Her need to be needed, even today.

Whether you’re a mother or a daughter, The Other Mother is a book you’ll enjoy. Follow Pat Conroy’s lead and get your copy of Teresa’s book by heading to the links below:

Amazon Kindle: Click here

Amazon Paper: Click here

Barnes and Noble Paper: Click here

Have you read any good books lately? I’m always asking, because I’m always looking. I met my friend (and reader/commenter in this community) Jill Stevenson for breakfast and shopping in Black Mountain, NC yesterday, and she recommended a book that’s going on my list: Night Film by Marisha Pessl.

Also, while in the Asheville area, I attended a book signing at Malaprops. Francine Prose. Another one that’s going on my list: Lovers at the Chameleon Club: Paris 1932. Ms. Prose was a witty entertainer. I learned a lot in an hour.


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  1. The Other Mother sounds like a book I’d enjoy, Andra. And I’m always looking for a new memoir. Thanks for the recommendation.

    Hugs from Ecuador,

    1. Let me know what you think, Kathy. I know you’re working on a memoir, so reading them is always good.

  2. If you and Pat Conroy (two of my very favorite authors) say it’s worth reading, I shall download.
    Thank you for sharing the book.

  3. “But I’ve caulked the gaps…”

    that phrase is sure to draw Carnell out….

    1. I’ve heard a lot about that book, Linda. I’m going to check it out.

  4. In my limited experience, writers must read. It think it’s as important as writing every day.

  5. Yesterday was fun and I didn’t even get into trouble over the pie plate; mainly because I promised to make a pie. I had another mother growing up, my best friend’s mother. Dan’s mother’s grandchildren also called her Other Mother. I can’t wait to read this.

    1. You have all kinds of things coming in up here to make pie with. I hope you like it.

  6. This sojourn must be a sweet tonic for you, Andra. Nice writing, this post. I’ve caulked the gaps with reading… nice, and sacrifices of self at the altar of others’ happiness… my mother. After a delightful read of something about Meriwether Lewis, I enjoyed reading The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin. Currently reading Spring Moon by Mary Ellen Courtney.

    Oh, if I were asked to assign you to an animal… it would definitely be a cat… and not a timid kitty, but a big cat.

    1. I’ve always said I’d be a hummingbird, Ted (if I could be any animal/bird.) That way, I could eat sugar all day long and not gain weight. Plus, I’d have tons of energy.

  7. Oh, if only I had nothing else to do . . .

    And, there are two more (mentioned in today’s comments) that are on my “want to read” list as well. 🙂

    1. I wish we still had that Saturday morning thing Reading Is Fundamental. Because it is. 🙂 I wish I could read more than I do, but I’m getting a book or two a week read these days.

  8. I need to check this one out, Andra.
    Interestingly enough, I’ve been percolating a blog about influential women in my life other than my own mother. Your post here gives me the “goose” I need.

    1. I’m looking forward to reading your post about that topic, Penny. I remember your mentions of several strong women, and I hope to know more about them.

  9. it sounds interesting for sure, i still have many unanswered questions about the concept of my own mother –

  10. I will have to give this one a shot. After all, I think I understand my Mother but perhaps I do not understand her at all.

  11. Oh, I’ve got to get my hands on that book! Sounds like we can all relate. 🙂

  12. I’m so loving all the handles your blog followers choose for themselves. There’s a whole memoir just in brickhousechics, tarakianwarriors, lifeonthecuff and cootchiemama wisdom. Thanks for the shout out!

  13. i have an “other mother” in my life. Esther is actually the same age as my mother, but in many ways I relate to her like a sister. She has played a very important role in my life. Your observations about your own mother are very significant and I think will only stand to make you appreciate your mother even more. I would enjoy this well-recommend “rememoir, I’m sure. The last really good piece of fiction I read was “The Orchardist,” by Amanda Coplin. Somehow I think I may have already recommended it, but it is a story that has lingered with me.

  14. Hmmm. And of course, i got a chuckle because I started thinking of sequel titles to that book like Brother from Another Mother From Another Planet and stuff like that. My brain does this to me automatically, sorry.. 😀

  15. Thanks for the recommendations, Andra. I’m always on the lookout for something new to read. So many books. So title time.

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