The folks at Portland Book Review gave a stellar endorsement to my debut novel To Live Forever: An Afterlife Journey of Meriwether Lewis. I’m tickled that my first big literary review is from a place where Meriwether Lewis actually walked.
Here’s an extract:
To read the full review, head over to the Portland Book Review site.
Many thanks to Jim Stewart for alerting the editors at Portland Book Review to the existence of my novel. They requested copies for review and vetted it through their normal editorial process. I really appreciate the folks at Portland Book Review for selecting my debut novel for review!!
Top Ten Reasons You Should Read To Live Forever: An Afterlife Journey of Meriwether Lewis
1. You aren’t really certain what happens after we die.
2. You worry that you will be forgotten when you are gone.
3. You are the father of a daughter…or the daughter of a father.
4. You thought Hwy. 61 was the only famous road in Mississippi.
5. You figured Lewis and Clark just fell off into the Pacific Ocean when they made it to the west coast.
6. You did not realize there was a worse American traitor than Benedict Arnold.
7. You thought that the Natchez Trace was a precursor to the Etch-a-Sketch.
8. You liked Huck Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird and always wondered what happened to Elvis Presley’s twin brother.
9. You believe in magic.
10. You want to play a part in discovering a new great American novel.
Click below to purchase To Live Forever: An Afterlife Journey of Meriwether Lewis in your favorite format.
Fantastic! Portland is such a cool place, and they just proved it again.
I was really tickled that they reviewed the book.
Of course they liked it – why wouldn’t everyone?
There are always a few people who don’t like anything. 😛 We both know a couple of those people. 🙂
They are just wrong though
Kudos! Great contrast in this phrase: “reasons that become darkly clear as the novel progresses.”
Yes, the reviewer did a very good job. 🙂
Yes they did. He/she “got it.”
Nice job on the review, J.R.! 😎
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Can I just say how excited I am for you? That is so damned awesome. And I love the top ten list format.
We hack away at these a little at a time. I’m taking your book with me on the trip, as I *think* it’s about time to read it.
What a great review. Well written and thoughtful. Makes me want to read it again.
It was great of them to select it for review.
Congrats Andra! I am so psyched for you, and it is well deserved.
Thank you. I hope you’re enjoying the faerie house today.
A better review I cannot imagine! Wow, Andra (for you have certainly wowed the reviewer and have already wowed me with the book)!
Your book, Meriwether, Emmaline included, rightly deserve such an outstanding endorsement.
I’m so happy for you I could smile 🙂
It’s so hard to get these kinds of mentions. I’m very grateful for this one.
Jumpy claps!!
Will you be able to do jumpy claps after your Grand Canyon hike? I know that circuit is a challenging day. I can’t wait to hear about it.
I’m hobbling today after 2 massive blisters from yesterday’s 6.8 mile hike at Mt. Charleston. Cringing at the thought of 13 miles on Thursday.
You’ll kill it. (But those blisters are the pits. I got one on my last hike, and I was like WTF????? How can my feet STILL be getting these things???)
Mine were due to new hiking shoes. Better they surfaced yesterday and not Thursday. I need to invest in some duct tape. p.s. just realized the hike is 16 miles, not 13. Elevation gain of over 4,000′. Oh boy.
This is going to be like that Half Dome hike, isn’t it? Where you get up at o’dark thirty and get back really late?
I’m just putting out a very brief summary of the hike, as I understand it, via blog post as we speak. It’s scaring me more as I read/copy/paste. :-S
Great review….congratulations….:)
Thanks, Roger.
Well deserved. Well deserved!
Thanks, Lori.
fantastic review, and congrats, andra )
Thanks, Beth.
Thanks, Katie.
Thanks, James.
Congrats – this is so well deserved! I will be able to say: I had discovered her blog before she was famous 🙂
Fame is an unfathomable concept to me right now, Elke. I just hope more people will read it. 🙂
Congrats, Andra! Fantastic 🙂
Congratulations!!!! And well deserved 🙂
That’s so awesome, Andra!!! Big congratulations!
Wonderful and NOT surprising! Just tweeted this. 🙂
Teeeeeee-Rif-ic! Such a great review! 😀
Hooray! This is an excellent review and an honor, I’d think! I am delighted to read the review, and to be a step ahead having already come to the same conclusions! 🙂
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