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And She Was

I know. I know. This is the title of a drug addled Talking Heads song. But she was. My friend when I needed one. She was there even when I didn't know what I needed.

I know. I know. This is the title of a drug addled Talking Heads song.

But she was.

My friend when I needed one. She was there even when I didn’t know what I needed.

Kristin and I don’t get together nearly enough. But last night, we made it happen. And on the eve of leaving home for a while, I’m so glad I could cocoon with her and just be.

Our friends can be biased cheerleaders.

That’s true.

But they can also cut through the crap and help us realize the magic of who we are. Of what we’ve made. Of who we could be if we only had the audacity to dream.

Kristin is one of those friends to me. I’m grateful for her.

Every single day.

Do you have friends who make you a better person? Tell us about them in a comment today.


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  1. I have a small group of friends that I have nurtured for several years. In return, they have given me more that I could have ever dreamed in terms of support and love. I am so thankful for each and every friend.

  2. I have a few friends that I consider close enough for that kind of impact. Some I have not seen in years, or even heard from in years. Yet, I’ll never forget what they brought into my life, and I know if/when I do see them again, it will be like no time stood between us at all.

  3. Thanks for my favorite David Byrne song. My husband truly makes me a better person and, he is my best friend (well, outside of Susan who has been with me for almost 50 years). He is kind to all he meets and is the consummate Southern gentleman. I fear I would be an even bigger bitch/nag than I am without his gentle influence. I am thankful every day that he is in my life and that he loves me.

  4. Great song — and sounds like a great friend.
    I just bought Fear of Music and Remain in Light on vinyl – so I’m in a Heads mood myself. Penny and I have been dancing around the living room to Life During Wartime and Once in a Lifetime (and yes, we try to do our best David Byrne, though I don’t have the over-sized white suit jacket.)

  5. I’d be so much more insane than I already am without them. Have an awesome trip. Also, what’s wrong with drug-addled-talking-heads-songs? And did they write any other kind?

  6. We can count ourselves as fortunate if there is one friend as you describe.

  7. I feel funny singling out one person from my amazing cadre of friends. Right now, I’m thinking about Joy, who says the most outrageously wonderful things about me that I can’t help but believe her!

  8. I live in a very tight-knit, freely chosen, extended family. Some of them I’ve known since I was in grade school. Some I’ve known for my entire adult life. I am blessed by all of these people. Of this herd of bipeds, there are a handful who might fall into your Kristin category. This is truly the wealth of my life. They keep me honest and anchor my sometimes tenuous hold on reality.

    Have a great journey as you navigate that rotary circle. 🙂

  9. YES! And the older we get, the more sappy and emotional we act with each other. We laugh and cry over everything, together. So glad you have that with Kristin. 🙂 #MejorAmigas

  10. The Russian Princess is that for me. We can go months without speaking, longer without seeing each other – due to the distance – and still, we pick up immediately where we left off. She is a no-bullshit, tell-it-like-it-is-whether-you-want-to-hear-it-or-not chick. And I love her with all my heart.

  11. YOU! You are the friend that inspires me. You are the friend that pushes me. YOU have changed me for the better…or, let’s just say you pointed the way for me to make some positive changes. I am so proud of you.

  12. I am fortunate to have both women and men friends who support me, cry with me, and laugh with me. I’m in my 80’s,and they are all younger, except for my girlfriend since grammar school, 73 years ago,who lives far away but we talk once a week on the phone.

  13. Oh yes, absolutely, I have a girlfriend like this…mentioned often in my blog. She has been that one friend who pushes me to try something new (like acting) and also promptly tells me that she’s proud of my accomplishments and who I’ve become the last five years. I think her next goal is to have me sign up for a Princess Warrior mud run in the fall. Anyhow, have an awesomely fun trip to Australia and I’m looking forward to learning quite a bit from your daily posts.

  14. Totally know what you mean. And when I landed in nj for a short unexpected visit, I saw two of them in person and called the other three. So so lucky to have true friends

  15. my oldest friend was one i met when i was just a little girl and we’ve been through all sorts of things in life, both good and bad. she lives in california now, but we still keep in touch )

  16. Yes, indeedy, yes! I have been fortunate in have many such friends in my: Marilyn, who is 10 years older than me and has more energy that a woman 10 years younger than me. She recently swam with the sharks so her grandkids would give it a try. There is a trio of gals I started teaching with 42 years ago and still call friends. One of them lives in OK, but, comes up for a visit with her husband, always stays here, and makes us all get together. My friends from our old town still meet up and Sue is tops. Each in turn, we helped the other squeeze our rolls into corsets so we could look sleek for our daughters’ weddings – and laughed so hard we almost couldn’t finish. My garden club ladies – I leave every meeting saying I want to be like them when I grow up (and I’m the youngster at 64!). You know what? I shouldn’t be telling you this. I should be telling them. Off I go . . .

  17. I am very fortunate to have great local friends but I have three friends from college and we get together every year for a week at Sunset Beach, NC. WE live in 4 different states and sometimes only talk to each other once a year and sometimes not at all. We don’t miss a beat once we get our hugs over with.

  18. I have friends all up and down the front range in Colorado. Most of them I meet at my many jobs, professional women like myself. They partied with me during the good times and held on to me during the hard years. A couple of them saved me from myself. Seriously. I’m starting to thank them now with birthday cards that bring tears to their eyes and mine. Thanks, Andra, for reminding me how lucky I am to have friends like these!!

  19. I have wonderful friends, Andra. I have friends that go back fifty-plus years and friends I have only known for ten. And each small group brings me so much support and care and I can’t imagine who I’d be without them. And then there’s my friend, Esther, 80 years old and yet so alive and current and someone who really “gets” me no matter what I’m going through or how I’m responding to life. I’m a very fortunate person. And I count you a friend, Andra. Long-distance, but a friend for this interesting journey we are all on. 🙂 I’m glad you had time with Kristin. Very special!

  20. Known a group lads since we were all 6 or 7 – still great friends today and it is great to know you have a strong hinterland from which to draw outside of family!

  21. Yes, I do. Some I’ve known for over 25 years. I don’t see them that often–at birthdays. Others I see more frequently. When I’m sick or in need, I can go to them.
    Glad you have Kristin in your life.

  22. Everyone in my life, currently, is like this for me.

    My wife, in more ways than I can mention. My writer friends, whom I’m making things with and learning from. So, yeah, I know what you mean, I have several And She Was-es

    great song

  23. I am very lucky, I have not one of those types of friends – I have four. And it doesn’t matter that I don’t call, email, text, whatever as often as I should. They understand me to the bone. When we see each other, it’s like we never left off. They make me think, dream, laugh and cry – sometimes all in one wine fueled night. They are my heart.

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