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Name That Reader

All right, Dear Readers. I am cross-eyed with fatigue. Rather than clutter up your time with incoherent twaddle, I decided to let YOU write today's post in the comments. Here's how it will work. While on our recent trip, I snapped several photos that made me think of specific readers. (Because I'm thinking about you a lot. I won't say all the time, because that would mean I have a problem, but a lot.) I've reproduced the photos below. Which reader corresponds to the indicated photo?

All right, Dear Readers. I am cross-eyed with fatigue. Rather than clutter up your time with incoherent twaddle, I decided to let YOU write today’s post in the comments. Here’s how it will work.

While on our recent trip, I snapped several photos that made me think of specific readers. (Because I’m thinking about you a lot. I won’t say all the time, because that would mean I have a problem, but a lot.) I’ve reproduced the photos below. Which reader corresponds to the indicated photo?

Please provide your answers in the comments. Heck, maybe I’ll even give something away.

Photo Number One
Photo Number One
Photo Number 2
Photo Number 2
Photo Number Three
Photo Number Three
Photo Number Four
Photo Number Four
Photo Number Five


Photo Number Six
Photo Number Six

Name That Reader. The reader with the most correct answers will win….something. Check back later today to see who got the most answers correct.

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  1. Ha! Great idea 🙂

    I did not see me, but I’m okay with that. Really….I am. Sniffle. I am horrible with names but I will be coming back here to see who is who in the pictures. Love this!

  2. Well #2, The Empire Strikes Back, sure reminds me of Kenneth Andrews. Not the shapely figure mind you, let me go wash my minds eye out with soap, but the sexual distortion of a modern theatrical classic. He would do that. Yup. And then wax on about the soundtrack. Which we would some how end up listening to in a restroom.

    1. Carnell, I have that outfit at home….I can wear it for you if you’d like! 🙂

  3. #1 is Lori O’Leary, #2 is Carnell, #3 is Tori Nelson, #4 is Upside Down Bird Man, #5 is Robert Johnson, #6 is Cheryl Smithem.

    1. Lou, I thought of me when I saw #6–you (and Andra) know how much I love flower pics.

    2. That looks awesome Lou, only thing I’d change is #4 and I’d say that’s our “The Good Luck Duck.” 🙂

      1. yep, only it’s one of those wacky Cockatoos that make such a racket in the Sydney Botanic Gardens, I guess that could be Carnell, too. Har de Har Har.

  4. Oh, Andra, I have NO idea. I’m terrible at this sort of thing. I would say that #2 might be Lisa Kramer, since it’s a theater image, but who knows.

    Hugs from Ecuador,

  5. #2 – Does Twindaddy read your blog? Dunno, but his avatar’s a dark Stormtrooper. #3 is of course the Countess Penelope.#5 – Does Hamish Gunn read your blog? He goes by ye Pirate…

  6. Here goes:
    1. Me?? That shot looks a lot like the ones I take when I’m headed to the mountains for a hike.
    2. Jim / Ginger Fights Back
    3. Helena Hann-Basquiat – easy – Arcadia
    4. Upside down bird…southern hemisphere… Kathryn – hugs from Ecuador?? (ps I know that’s not technically South America…)
    5. I’m stumped on the pirate ship so I’ll just say Michael Carnell 🙂
    6. Lisa / NWFrameofmind (But it *could* be Debra /ThreeWellBeings)

    Hope you get some sleep!

  7. I have no idea as I evidently do not read everyone’s comments (bad blogger). But here are some new readers who you may appreciate your pictures: 1) ThelmaandLouiseAfterlife 2) C3P0WD40 3) PinballWizardGuy 4) InsuranceDuck 5) JohnnySparrow 6) KillerBillyBees.

  8. #2, maybe me . . .but I’m not sure. #3 is Tori. Otherwise, I’m clueless.

  9. #1 Lisa Kramer; #2 Carnell. Other than that, I have no idea! But great idea for a contest!

  10. Only got Helena on number three. Number two has the words “strike back” which could be a reference to “fight back’ which would be Jim. The rest a blur. Great concept though.

  11. How did you find out about my Star Wars stripper gig in 1995?

    Wait, that’s not about me is it? That’s someone who read you with better legs than me.

  12. Not a clue, but this is a great idea. I love pic #4. It is delightfully odd.

  13. No earthly idea but I, too, love the concept and the photos are great!

    I might hazard a guess that the first one is Lori and the final one either Debra (breathelighter) or Penny (lifeonthecutoff) . . . I will definitely be watching for the match-up results.

  14. I would have to say that Carnell is photo number 2. Not Kenneth Andrews. 😉 I agree with Lou, Lori is photo number 1. The others I’m not sure of.

      1. Carnell is your Father, (in best James Earl Jones voice)

  15. Ay! This is tough. I agree with what has been said above, otherwise, no tengo idea! 🙂

  16. i am clueless, but if you throw a crossword or sudoku my way, i can solve it in a minute )

  17. A fun post idea, Andra and it’s great (reassuring) to know I’m not the only one who thinks of blogging friends when I’m out and about. 🙂

  18. As a “licensed” BeeSpotter from Illinois, I’m gonna claim that bee in picture #6 and I’ll give #4 to Debra of breathlighter for all the birds that migrate to her backyard.

    What fun – and the best comments! 🙂

  19. This is a clever idea, but I have to admit that I have enough trouble keeping track of my blog readers, let alone yours! If I could turn this game around, I’d say that I’m Photo Number Six– busy as a buzzy bee. 😉

  20. Oh, dear Ms. Wakins,

    I haven’t had the pleasure of visiting with your readers often enough to know their personality quirks and uniqueness to highlight which would would correlate with each photograph! Therefore, could I simply share my thoughts as they alighted as I saw the pictures you shared instead!? And, I will do what Ms. Ally Bean ahead of me did and name which photo resonates as to be the essence of myself – as that might be fun too!?

    Photo #1: the highway with the deepest blue sky and wispy grasslands whipping around the edges of the road made me long to head on a road trip! specifically if I could jump a TARDIS to that particular location and start my journey *there!* all the more brilliant to me! i love road treks for the bliss of going ‘somewhere’ unexpected and unknowingly wicked on arrival. painting the route with a fresh clarity of adventure and spontaneity.

    Photo #2: Parodys and I are not close friends; I attended a Shakespeare on that nearly made me nausea to sit through. I think the comedy of their core is lost on me. 🙁

    Photo #3: I am getting a strong vibe of “New Orleans” from this one. I am not sure if it is because NOLA has been on my mind since my #ChocLitSaturdays mates were there for the RT Booklovers con or not, but NOLA comes out to me strong & clear! Love the frame of the shot with the wordage off to the side?

    Photo #4: The lush green against the foreground of an upturnt bird in flight was quite a brilliant capture – how did you manage that one!? Is it an inverted photograph by lens OR did a bird really flip flop mid-air!? Wow. Your photos evoke a lot of photo to essay inspirations! You could just write -free form- off the images! I love walking and that park looks like a classic place to ‘get lost inside’ and wandering with your imagination in full focus.

    Photo #5: Any tall ship is going to take me away into the 1700s and the 18th century! I will immediately always think about Captain Jack Sparrow simply because that film had a keen impact on me at the time it premiered for personal reasons. However, I have truly had the pleasure of dipping into 18th century historical fiction this past year (coming up in August – a full twelvemonth!), to which I must confess, I am starting to crave more ship dramas! I read a ChocLit novel set against the high seas (Close to the Wind by Zana Bell – my reflections are on my blog), which inspired me to think I might need to take up the challenge of dipping into Patrick O’ Brian next year! A true beaut of a ship!

    Photo #6: Bee bum sticking out of a flower he’s drunk happily on in joy! Laughs. Brought me to thinking about “Bee Summers” which is an emotionally gutting book that I finished late last night ahead of midnight,… bees are etched on my heart due to their plight as a species and how impactful their species is on our future. I love bees – although I am always worried if stung I would be allergic to their touch.


    Photo of Essence of Jorie: Toss-up Answer: Photo #1: Jorie is an adventurous spirit who loves curating experiences and seeking out new roads to explore. AND Photo #6 simply because I am always over the moon in joy for the authors & books which whet my thirst for strong characters, well-envisioned worlds and stories which electrify my heart with joy! I am like the bee whose bum is sticking out because he is trying to get a close to the heart of the flower as he can and enjoy the full experience of its mirth.

  21. Reading the comments has been every bit as entertaining as the initial photographs, Andra. Absolutely no idea, but I can’t wait to hear the outcomes!!
    I wish you deep, renewing sleep 🙂

  22. I’m completely out of touch, I’m sorry to say Andra… and have no idea. Hope you’re well rested upon your return…

  23. *assumes highly intelligent look* Well, um… ah… of course… oh, absolutely! It is mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble, mumble and mumble!

  24. I have internet! I am not going to partake as I bet you’ve already posted the answers but Lou did seem to be pretty spot on.

  25. You have the best readers! They really pay attention. I would have guessed “the bee” and Penny, but beyond that, nada! I hope you finally got some rest, you poor dear!

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