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He Wants To Ride His Bicycle

My friend Steve Burns is insane. Really, truly cray-cray. But, because he's lost it over bicycles, I'm willing to tolerate him. His work for World Bicycle Relief beats the crap out of my Natchez Trace Walk. Read his words below, and take action if that's your pleasure. Bikes for the People!

My friend Steve Burns is insane. Really, truly cray-cray. But, because he’s lost it over bicycles, I’m willing to tolerate him. His work for World Bicycle Relief beats the crap out of my Natchez Trace Walk. Read his words below, and take action if that’s your pleasure.

Bikes for the People!

Dear Friends, Family and Colleagues,

If you’ve been following me for the past 3 years, you know that I’m living proof as to how something as simple as a bicycle can change a life. I’ve lost 33 pounds, my heart rate has dropped 23 beats/minute and I haven’t been sick for even a single day. But this pales in comparison to how lives are transformed by World Bicycle Relief.

Many of you may already know that this year I am an Ambassador for World Bicycle Relief. Not only is WBR rated #12 on Barron’s list of the most impactful philanthropies, but as of last month we have distributed more than 200,000 bikes. One million people have had their lives positively changed by something as simple and inexpensive as a bicycle. The change we are talking about is what brings people, their families and villages out of poverty and ignorance and provides them with education and a real future.

Many of you helped me with my fundraising efforts previously and I am truly grateful for what you have done on my behalf. I hope you have been following along with the amazing things World Bicycle Relief has been doing and watching the videos and hearing the stories about some of the people who’ve been given the power of a bicycle.

As an Ambassador, I’ve set an incredibly grueling schedule for myself for 2014. The easiest goal was to ride 9,876 miles (the distance from my house to Zambia). This week I hit 7,509 miles. If I keep up this pace I’ll exceed 10,000 miles. Each and every mile I ride I’m wearing the WBR Team clothing and promoting awareness.

The second challenge I set for myself for 2014 was to race in each of the 21 California Triple Crown Ultra-Endurance Cycling events this year. So far I’ve completed 17 of these 200 mile non-stop races and I have four more to go.

The third challenge I set for myself was to race in two of the most difficult ultramarathon cycling events in the world. The Hoodoo 500  was on August 23rd in southern Utah where I finished 3rd for my age group. This was an extraordinary event and the single longest ride I’ve ever completed at 522 miles with 31,000’ of elevation gain. My son Jasper was a part of my support crew and he made a short video which you might want to watch to get an understanding of this strange and grueling sport.

This Sunday I’ll be racing in the most famous of the 500+ mile, ultramarathon cycling events, The 508. Since 1983, this event has been known as “The Toughest 48 hours in Sport”.

Perhaps the most difficult goal I’ve set was to double my previous fundraising goal to $20,000. By raising this money we will be able to purchase 150 bicycles which will directly impact 750 lives. Just like I needed Jasper and my crew to help me complete the Hoodoo 500 and I’ll need my crew this Sunday to help me endure The 508. I need your help now. 

Please visit my fundraising page and join those who have already helped.  A bike increases student attendance by 28%; grades increase by 59%; Healthcare workers reach 40% more patients more often; Entrepreneurs travel 4x further, carrying 5x more goods and increasing profits by up to 50%. All because of a bicycle. Imagine that!

Please help make my 2014 year of suffering on the bike, through some of the most grueling endurance events in the world, pay off by helping change 750 deserving lives. Give a bike. Give 10 bikes. Give however much you can and help me reach all of my 2014 goals. Click that red box on my donation page and know that I am truly indebted to you.

Warm regards and ride safely,

(Ambassador) Steve

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  1. this is amazing and wonderful on every level! wow wow wow.

  2. Interesting. I had never heard of WBR before this. Going to research the organization now. Cool!

  3. Good luck to Steve. I find bike riding stressful and risky, so I have to admire his gumption to do so. Hope he is able to safely complete The 508, an event I’ve never heard of before.

  4. You’re always a remarkable source, Andra, and generous in promoting others and the causes they represent. Well done, my friend, and to Steve, good luck and safe biking. You are a fabulous ambassador for WBR. Good deeds and helping to make life better for others is always a good, good thing. 🙂

  5. Worthy cause. And suddenly Lunaticland is a tad less lonely.

  6. Go Steve! And thanks, Andra for letting us all know about his efforts, and for Freddie Mercury first thing in the morning! Good day.

  7. Bravo, bravo, bravo, Steve! Fully awesome on every level.

  8. Good Luck Steve. Ride on!

  9. How cool that something you love to do can be used for the greater good. I had not heard of WBR before today either. I am impressed. The video from Utah is awesome! Good luck with this next ride; may you reach your very worthwhile goal.

  10. Andra, Nothing beats the crap out of your Natchez Trace Walk. I do like to help crazy people though I bought your book… twice, so I’ll go click Steve’s red box.

  11. I’ve not previously heard of WBR which is surprising considering it rates so high on the Forbes list. I’m very impressed with Steve’s commitment and so glad to learn more. I really never thought about how bikes can play such a significant role in changing people’s lives.

  12. Wonderful stuff, Andra (and Steve!), but I’m extremely shattered now after reading all that!

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