Drowning. I’m drowning in books. Advance reader copies of Not Without My Father: One Woman’s 444-Mile Walk of the Natchez Trace. I’m part of a crack team of crazies: publisher, publicist and author. We’re working together to get Not Without My Father covered everywhere on launch day – January 15, 2015!
But I don’t think it’s fair for a bunch of strangers to read my book first. Not when so many of you were practically walking beside me on the Natchez Trace.
The first twenty-five commenters that start their comment with “I’M IN!” on this post today only will receive a signed advance reader copy (ARC) of Not Without My Father: One Woman’s 444-Mile Walk of the Natchez Trace.
If you start your comment with “I’M IN!” then you AGREE TO DO THE FOLLOWING:
- You agree to read the book between today (October 29, 2014) and November 30, 2014.
- You agree to add the book to your current Goodreads reading list and write a review on Goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23436149-not-without-my-father
- You agree to purchase a copy of Not Without My Father: One Woman’s 444-Mile Walk of the Natchez Trace for yourself or for someone else on launch day: January 15, 2015. (The final version will have extras, including the first chapter of I Am Number Thirteen, the sequel to To Live Forever: An Afterlife Journey of Meriwether Lewis. I can’t force you to purchase the book, but I know you understand why that’s important.) IF YOU CANNOT PURCHASE THE BOOK ON JANUARY 15, 2015, you agree to send a link to purchase with a strong endorsement to five readers in your life on launch day.
Please do not publish reviews on your blogs before January 15, 2015. (But please do publish your review on Goodreads ASAP.)
Please do not share images of the cover of Not Without My Father: One Woman’s 444-Mile Walk of the Natchez Trace on any social media site before January 15, 2015. However, you may post teaser images of a small portion of the cover wherever you like (as I have done by example in this post.)
Please respect the work that went into creating this book. Do not loan the ARC to your friends/relations/enemies to read when you finish and do not list your free ARC for sale anywhere or donate it to a used bookstore. (All reasons why most authors make negative $2.50 per word written.)
If you love the book and can’t wait to share it with your friends/relations/enemies, PLEASE wave your advance copy in their faces and say, “Na-na-na-boo-boo! I got to read this awesome book early, and you can’t get it until January 15, 2015!”
Multiple comments do not constitute multiple entries.
If you cannot perform the tasks listed above, please do not say “I’M IN!”
Thank you for reading and for your excitement about Not Without My Father. I’m terrified of what you will think about this book, Dear Reader……..but that won’t stop me from flinging myself and it off the cliff.
Good luck!
I’m in!
I was so excited, I posted prematurely 🙂 Andra- this is brilliant! You have great energy & vision & I’m delighted to have watched all this happen. Of course I’ll buy the book & recommend it to the world. You keep writing & I’ll keep reading!
I’ve almost vomited today, Fiona, thinking about people reading this book. So thank you for saying that. 🙂
I know this is out of topic but do you have future trails to follow? Also what really inspired to walk an ancient trail? Did you also learn a lot about Native American hiking stuff? (if these are covered in your book sorry I have not read it yet so I asked).
I did this walk to recreate history, because the Natchez Trace was a footpath for most of its 10,000 years. I also did it to launch my novel To Live Forever: An Afterlife Journey of Meriwether Lewis. Lewis died mysteriously on the Trace in 1809. The journey ended up being something else for me, but you’re going to have to read the book for that one. 🙂 January 15, 2015.
I’m in. I can’t wait to read and promote this book.
I’m in. You know I’m in. I’m in deep….
I’m in . . . and would love, love, love to have a peek-a-boo read and help promote “Not Without my Father . . . ” and will promise, on my honor, etc. to do as told. 🙂
I’m in!
I’M IN! I shall glad doith as though directh, o scribe.
I’m in! I can’t wait to read and review your new book. You are awesome at marketing.
I’m IN! Very much IN!
I’m In!!! Looking forward to reading it!
I’m in! (I can’t wait to read it)
I’m In!
I am Number 13! Yippie! Just like your sequel! I can’t believe you have another book already. I promise to do all the required assignments! Thank you!
I’m In!
I’ll let other people read your book first, but I love that you’re doing this promotion. I’ll be in on Jan 15, 2015 when I get to buy your book. Yes, I’m odd this way, but I do love the idea that I get to help your bottom line. This make me happy.
If the iBook version were live, I could send you a promo code to do it that way. You’re not odd at all. That’s one of the great things about online life – to share as much or as little as we want.
I’m in
Thank you
Please message me with your mailing address. readme(at)andrawatkins(dot)com.
I’m in. Like Carnell, I’m in deep. But then, maybe I don’t want to be similar to Carnell? Nah, I’m a fangirl for sure.
In deep like me? 😉 Now there is something we really need to discuss….
Yeah, I was waiting for that reply from you
I think Charmaine smeared color on my face when I read this comment.
I’m no medical doctor or nothing, but I don’t think it works that way…..
Let the madness continue!
Because I’m definitely mad.
I know better than to let you down on this one with my slow reading! Luckily Jan 15th isn’t too far away so I don’t have to wait too long to start reading it!
You should get Krista to get on here quick and snap up number 25.
unfortunately she works for a company that blocks the internet…so it’s hard to get her to do anything online during the day most of the time.
I’m in!
I’m in!
I’m in! but alas, I’m too late. So sad! Dang it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nineteen. You’re in, Lori.
Good thing math isn’t my forte… I’m EXCITED!
I’M IN! Just thought I’d try again….
I’m in but fear I’m too late.
If i’m counting right, you’re twenty. In the hair chair with a plastic cap on my head, so my counting skills are even more unreliable.
We need pictures. I am betting you are a vision of beautician beauty.
I’m in!
I *think* you’re twenty-one. Dryer is frying my brain.
I’m in if I’m not too late!!! I Kindle gifted TLF to my sister last week and promised her a copy of NWMF on launch day. 🙂
Twenty-two!! Thanks for sharing TLF with your sister, Lisa.
I’m jealous… One word away from the carrot, but I can’t promise to get it read in the next 32 days. November is a stupid busy month. I will, however, cheerfully whine about how I’m NOT one of the lucky 25 and how much I DO want to read the book when it launches 🙂
I hear you. I think I need ten of me right now.
If you come up with an eleventh you, can I borrow her? I’ll feed her well and give her a cozy spot to sleep in return for general dogsbodying 😉
Is Cameron a Brit?
Nope. A Mass native.
Ah, the dogsbodying term threw me off
I’m in! (And writing a checklist to make sure I cover all bases. What a cool way to spread the word.)
I hope I haven’t made this too hard. 1. Read the book. 2. Review the book. 3. Recommend (or purchase) the book. A longer version of the Three R’s. 🙂
I’m in!
My favorite number! My copy arrived today, and I’m so excited!!
Darn! I, too, will just have to wait for the actual launch. Much as I’d like to have joined the 25, I’m struggling with doing much concentrated reading lately, and I’m not sure I could commit to the time constraint. I have two, separate cataract surgeries pending, and hope they’re going to make it more pleasurable to be reading for large chunks of time again. Meantime, I’ll join Cameron and whimper about having to wait. 🙂 Oh, and I’ll certainly cheer and promote as much as I’m able!
Karen, I’m so sorry to hear this news. I didn’t realize you were struggling with this issue in both eyes. Please keep me posted on how you’re doing, and have Kim let me know how the surgeries go.
One or the other of us will keep you posted, Andra. If things go as they’re supposed to go, I should be able to do it myself! Allegedly, this is going to be a quick fix. I hope so. Cataracts are a nuisance, but I am very thankful that they’re “fixable.” Other possibilities might not be as readily resolved. 🙂
I’m in. Unless I miscounted I am twenty-five. if not I’ll buy the book anyway.
You’re 25, John.
Yay. I was so late I thought I was finished
i look forward to this, your new baby!
I did not get to this blog post until just now. SHOOT!!! I wanted to be one of the 25… oh well, that is what happens when you do not keep up with your favorite author and blogger. Sniffle.
Aw Rats! LOL! I was slow to the draw…but I’ll be patient and wait…and be first in line to buy it…I might even wrangle an autograph out of you. 🙂 This has to be so much work, Andra…I loved Merry and Em, but being the family girl that I am…this book is going to be an important read. Keep going…sending love and warm encouragement! ox D
I too am in however I guess I will be second in line… It will look nice next to your other book.., 🙂 Just let me know the details!
Dagnabit! I was too slow on the draw! But I look forward to Jan 15, 15!! — auspicious number selection, by the way 😉
Of course THIS was the week I had to take a blogging hiatus for the new job. Sorry I missed the 25 – but maybe a blessing, given I am not sure how I’d fit in any pleasure reading when I’m spending every spare moment reading up on the new business. Good luck with this, Andra! I love how you’ve leveraged your business and marketing skills to help with both of your book launches. Nicely done!
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