If there’s a party going on ’round here, it’s because I’ve finally finished my new website. I hope you’ll click yourself silly and stay awhile. If you see any typos or general problems, shoot me a message at readme(at)andrawatkins(dot)com. Of course, I’d be happy to hear from you just to tell me you love it.
Building this site was a trying experience. I am not tech savvy, regardless of how many geeks include me in their ranks. Cheryl and Bill Smithem at Charleston PR and Design put up with my tantrums stupid questions and wrangled this space into a thing of beauty AND utility……..in spite of me.
Aaaaand, it didn’t help that I lost sight in my right eye in the weeks leading up to launch. Calling all typos………
I hope this place will be engaging, informative and useful. I’m excited about its potential.
Thank you for being here.
Oh, and…….
Your website looks fantastic (and I love your coat in the picture!)
So glad to a guest in your new space. NICE DIGS!
Thanks, Kir. I’m still tweaking some things, but I’m really pleased with it.
The new site is looking cool, Andra. Congratulations. Happy New Year!
Happy 2015, Mark!
CONGRATULATIONS! A grand success already.
Largely thanks to your patience, Dear.
Looks great! Love the branding you’ve got going on – what a great shade of green, first of all – everything lining up with the book’s graphics. Congratulations — you’re looking very professional.
Shade of green was sampled from To Live Forever. Of course, all my books won’t be green. Ha.
Beautiful site, Andra!!! Nothing better than to start the year with a new look. Congratulations! Happy New Year XO
Happy New Year to you, too. Can’t wait to see you again in March.
Andra, the kudos are largely due to YOU and your persistence. You knew what you wanted, you had concepts to emulate, and you were able to give / provide clear direction so that we could get you going where you needed to be.
We are appreciative of your invitation to allow us to help you on this project. Now the rest of the world must know of your talents!
In spite of MTM’s collarbone, my blind eye, and my tech stupidness, I think we made a great team. I’m so, so happy with this site, Cheryl. It’s exactly what I wanted. Thank you and Bill!!
Wonderful Andra and Congratulations!
Thanks, Jim.
Hi Andra!
Received notification in my WordPress reader, so that’s working… and you say you’re not Tech Savvy!
I shall have to return to have a mooch around your new site, but it’s looking good so far, from what I see!
I didn’t connect the JetPack, Tom. 🙂 I asked Cheryl to do it to be sure it would be right.
I will stumble through it over the next few days and let you know what I find. On the surface it is bright, airy, and slick. All Good Things (AGT). Okay, deep breath, open gratitude, and continue the charge on up the hill.
I know some of the purchase buttons don’t go anywhere yet, so that’s an open ticket item you don’t have to give me. Anything else, though, fire away.
Love the new site, congrats!
Thanks, Amber. It’s scary to know it’s being critiqued by a graphic designer. 🙂
Nice and shiny new site! Interesting photo, too. Was that taken before or after your right headlight went out? I’m asking because it looks as if that stone head has the same issue. Of course, he also looks like the Jolly Green Giant, but that’s probably just me noticing this (Ho, Ho, Ho!)
That picture was taken several years ago, but it’s funny that you correlated the eye issue. Right headlight is back on now, for which I’m very grateful.
I don’t do facebook or some of your other means of communicating, Andra, but have followed you for some time now. I just don’t always push like nor comment… I enjoy seeing you on Beth’s posts and Mark B’s posts, too.
Hope you have a wonderful new year filled with exciting new things. I followed you quite awhile on your trek and hiking adventure…. Hope to read more about your new plans for this year and continue to support your fun outlook, too.
Smiles, Robin
Robin, thanks for stopping by and for letting me know what you think. This has been quite an adventure, and I’m glad you’ve been along for the ride. Thank you.
Totally you! Totally wonderful. Okay, I’m going back and checking things out…again. I’m so proud of you!
If you see any lingering glitches or things that don’t work, please send them to me. This process is a billion tiny details.
This looks great, glad also that your eye is much better.
Me too, Lou. As you know, eye issues are very intrusive.
Looks fabulous, Andra!! Consistent with your former layout, yet even more professional, tidy and uncluttered! You must have been very busy during the holidays!
Elke, I can’t believe I’ve gotten all this done. Between MTM’s collarbone and my eye AND the holidays, it’s been quite a couple of months around here. I’m so glad you like it.
Looks fabulous. Do we need to do anything to follow? I did get an e-mail notification so am I good?
You should be good, John. We imported everything via JetPack. If you have any issues commenting or clicking or anything, let me know.
Yay! And please turn your blind eye to my typos.
I shouldn’t make “blind eye” jokes because I don’t even know what happened. Sheesh.
Roxanne, one of the things I love about you is your sense of humor. 🙂 My eye is much better. I have toxoplasmosis, and it really flamed out last month. I was almost completely blind in my right eye, but antibiotics and steroids later, I’m back to almost full strength.
The site looks great. Congrats. I can’t believe no on has posted this yet.
Good one. I’m bopping along as I type. 🙂
Love the new look, and even better now that I can comment! (Couldn’t get a comment form to come up yesterday — there was a weird feedback loop to a WP login, and I forgot to pester you about it…)
All good things for the new year!
I didn’t make any big announcements yesterday, but it was a day a de-bugging. We were still de-bugging this morning. And this afternoon. If you see anything else, send it along. I think we’re getting everything wrapped up.
Beautiful.!!! Congrats 🙂
Thanks, Rose!!
Looks great! So happy for you my friend.
Thank you. Your reaction to a preview was very reinforcing. 🙂
Very spiffy, Andra! I love the new you! 🙂 I shall be back to check out everything…right now, supper is calling!
Hope it was tasty…….and not frozen. MTM talked with his mom tonight. I know you’re chilly up there.
I was trying to comment last night and could not figure out what I was doing wrong! Now I know? Love the new site. I will miss your picture walking through the hills but it is time for a change. I have been looking at your schedule over the weeks ahead and I’m exhausted! Rest up!
I agree, Debbie… that pic of Andra walking the hills was the only reason I looked at her blog. Her writing kept me coming back… but I loved that pic.
I hoped no one would come around yesterday, because I knew things would be wonky. I’m glad you like it. Hope to see you sometime during this madness.
congrats, it looks wonderful, Sandra!
Thanks, Beth.
Dang it! I see you plan to be in Florence on the 31st. Just as I was about to do my happy dance, I realized I have tickets to see OFF THE WALL on the same day. Have you seen it??? It’s fabulous!!! Please tell me you plan to come to Columbia sometime soon! Love you and your new look!!!
Nancy, I’m at Columbia Capital Rotary Club for breakfast on February 4. I know you’d be welcome as a guest, so let me know if you’d like to come. We’re also trying to put together a party that evening, and I’d be happy to invite you to it if it comes together. Message me if you’re interested in either one.
Beautiful, Andra! I love the new look and am so happy to hear your eye is returning to normal. 🙂
Now I’m having prednisone withdrawal. Ha.
A fabulous new website, Andra. The photo is, of course, perfect. I like the slick no nonsense look and have done a little exploring. I did not see a date for an appearance in Seattle under ‘Events’… it’s not fair The South gets it all. Do I have to reregister for the blog or newsletter, or will me inbox continue to be peppered with notices? I approve of the Bio author pic… it’s one of my faves. I think the bio should mention her work in the Rotary Club. I love the wedding day pic of Red and Lucky M. Sorry, got to go spread the word now.
JetPack should take care of you, Ted. If you don’t receive a post tomorrow, let me know.
I really want to put together a Pacific NW visit. It’ll be April or May, at the earliest, before I can consider it. I’ve got to see how this whirlwind round goes before I make future commitments. I may be bankrupt by April. Ha.
Its Great Andra..My best wishes..:-)
have a great year…
Thanks. You too!!
FANTASTICO, Andra!!!!! How exciting!!! You really are amazing – all that you accomplish with only one eye and all. 🙂 Now if you’ll excuse, me I’m off to tweet this and to navigate through this new site! Felicidades! 🙂
Thanks for sharing it. I continue to be so freaking happy with the way it turned out.
Beautiful website!
Thanks, Kathy. Happy 2015!!
I’m so glad that this appeared in my reader and in e-mail subscriptions automatically! I couldn’t access your previous post earlier in the week, so I’m pleased this came to me. The website looks great! Good luck with the book launch. I can’t wait to read it!
During the transition, nothing worked. I’m glad it all smoothed out. It looks like everyone’s moved and all works fine.
Very nice website, Andra! It’s very clean and professional-looking. I miss having a “like” button, though.
I can probably install one with a widget. I’ll look into that, Donna. Thanks for the suggestion.
Loved the site Andra — it must be that time of year. I just updated by book site too (www.teresabrucebooks.com) and blog http://www.teresabruce.me
I just pre-ordered the book for my kindle — can’t wait to review it.
Cheers from your friend in Beaufort
As a fellow writer of a memoir, I’m quaking over here at the thought of your reading mine……. 🙂 Hope to see you next time I’m in Beaufort.
The new site looks fabulous, Andra! Congrats on birthing this new baby of yours!
It was a lot like labor, I suspect.
I had to really think of something for this make a memory thing. I didn’t want to set my goals unrealistically and either piss off poor Scott or set myself up for a fall. (My whole life revolves around avoiding expectation so that I have a prayer of enjoying the moment.) Anyway. I have found it.
In 2015 I, Jessie Bishop Powell, will restore antique typewriters. Mom gave me an Underwood for Christmas, already in good working order, and I just got my first Remington Rand (nearly exactly the one I learned to type on squeeeee!) in the mail yesterday. I’ve already got all the keys unstuck, and I’m down to trying to make the ribbon move. It seems a tad unlikely to advance, even though the carriage does.
I hope you’ll post some pictures of these projects, Jessie. I think antique typewriters are so cool.
PS — I’m such a self centered dope. I meant to start that by saying that I LOVE the way your new website looks and works, but got all obsessed with the whole typewriter thing. The white background with dark text is good for my eyes, and I like your header title thingie links. (Technical term.)
I was very happy with this theme. I wanted my site to be very visual, to look good on mobile devices and tablets and to be clean. I think this theme was perfect. I’m glad you like it.
Great looking new site….it can only bring yet more success to the Watkins machine:)
Looking good, Andra 🙂
It looks great!
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