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Making Memories with Ted-X’s Brené Brown

One of the happiest things about releasing advance copies of Not Without My Father was how it spoke to early readers. I heard so many insights, favorite phrases, and things readers were determined to change.

Not Without My Father is already making memories!

But I also heard from people who couldn’t fathom making a memory. What if the person they invited said no? Or they couldn’t follow through because of work/kids/extracurriculars/general crazy? Maybe they’d take time to Make a Memory, only to hate the hell out of it (and each other) when they were done.

And you know what those are?


As I struggled with these responses, my friend Robert Johnson sent me a link to this TedTalk by Brené Brown. The Power of Vulnerability. And I thought, “Yes! Yes! THIS is why people fear Make a Memory!”

Making a Memory requires vulnerability.

Please invest a few minutes and watch Brené’s incredible talk. As you’re watching, grab a pen and a pad and scribble the names of the first people who come to mind.

Pick a name. Embrace vulnerability. Make a Memory.

make a memory


Make a Memory in 2015. Turn I wish I had into I’m glad I did. Click HERE to get started.

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    1. Author

      She’s really funny and honest. No surprise this thing has been viewed as many times as it has.

  1. My post on vulnerability, featuring this exact Ted Talk, remains one of my most popular. Clearly this message resonates with many!

    It takes a great deal of strength and courage to allow yourself to be vulnerable.

    1. Author

      It’s really, really hard to make oneself vulnerable. I wallow in it every morning when I get up, because my whole life right now is one long exercise in vulnerability.

    1. Author


  2. Thankyou, Andra, for guiding your followers to this wonderful presentation. I’ve been deciding on one New Year’s Resolution and it is Be Nice…to myself and to my family. To be vulnerable and happy to do it…no matter what the consequences. Thank you again!!

    1. Author

      Be nice is a great life mantra, Nancy. It never, ever hurts to be nice.

  3. I’m struggling with the memory I want to make. I already know what it is. I’m afraid.

    1. Author

      Take the leap. Jump into the fear. It’s the only way. 🙂

  4. That was one of the best TEDTalks I’ve ever heard!

    1. Author

      Definitely the reason it’s been viewed so many times. It resonates with everyone.

  5. I’m so glad you discoverred Brene Brown. I saw this TED talk a while ago and immediately bought a couple of her books. “I Thought it Was Just Me…But it Isn’t” is superb. She’s a gem of a resource and so are you…you’re an excellent cheerleader!

  6. This is one of my favorite TED talks and I love her book The Gifts of Imperfection. I’ve run across her blog many times over the years, and it’s encouraging to know that even though she’s suddenly “blown up” (especially after being on Oprah)… she’s been doing this work for a long, long time. Preparation meets opportunity. And that part about “no childhood shit?” That’s exactly what I said when I first went to therapy years ago after quitting TV news. 🙂 YES to vulnerability and YES to making memories. xoxo

  7. I love the look of your new site! And I love this Ted Talk!

    Congratulations on the release of Not Without My Father! I just purchased a copy and look forward to reading it!

  8. Can’t go wrong with Brené! She’s a gem.

    Happy to know that your next book has been published.

    Looking around your new website I feel like I’ve missed a lot during my time off from blogging. Quite spiffy.

    1. Author

      I’m very happy with how the site turned out. Glad you like it, Ally.

  9. Found out your book was out today via Brickhouse Chick extraordinaire. Congrats! Can’t wait to get my copy! CONGRATS!

  10. Happy new year and best wishes to you and yours for health, happiness, peace & prosperity in 2015!

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