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donelson christian academy

Molding Young Writers at Donelson Christian Academy

When Rachel Dunaway invited me to spend an hour with her creative writing class at Nashville's Donelson Christian Academy, I was ecstatic. I read her email while shuffling through Atlanta's Hartsfield Jackson International Airport, and I know I scared my fellow travelers. I squealed. It echoed through cavernous Concourse A. People stared.

When Rachel Dunaway invited me to spend an hour with her creative writing class at Nashville’s Donelson Christian Academy, I was ecstatic. I read her email while shuffling through Atlanta’s Hartsfield Jackson International Airport, and I know I scared my fellow travelers.

I squealed.

It echoed through cavernous Concourse A.

People stared.

On January 16, I spent part of a morning with Mrs. Dunaway and her class. They sent thoughtful, curious questions in advance. Like:

  • How do you deal with writer’s block?
  • What was your publishing process like?
  • Why do you care about the Natchez Trace?
  • How do you reconcile faith and creative pursuits?
  • How do you expand upon small ideas?
  • What characters do you find difficult to write? How do you develop your characters?

We engaged in conversation for close to an hour. They asked even more questions, and they shared their experiences with the assignment I gave them.

Ask a parent about a favorite memory from before he/she had you. Write a short essay about that conversation.

As they shared their stories about how it made them feel to connect with their parents on that level, we talked about writing. Our relationships and our willingness to delve deeper anchor any creative endeavor. Several students heard new stories about their parents. I’m honored to be a catalyst for those memories.

I’m grateful to Mrs. Dunaway and her class at Donelson Christian Academy. Through reaching out to me, you took me back to when I was one of you. In a class in a Christian school. My soul bursting with dreams.

May you surpass your dreams.


Not Without My Father debuted in the top five Sports books on Amazon. Top ten Adventure Travel books. Top 100 memoirs.

And that’s great.

But don’t buy this book for me.

Buy it for YOU. Buy it for someone you love. Be inspired to Make a Memory.

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  1. how wonderful for all of you. and what a great assignment to connect the generations –

    1. Author

      I was tickled at how much they seemed to enjoy it, Beth.

  2. That is sooooo exciting!!!!

    1. Author

      I hope to get more of these kinds of events. I’ve got another one on January 30.

  3. A great experience from any viewpoint. Remember their names; someday down the road you may hear from one or two about how you encouraged their career choice! 🙂

    Happy your book debuted with such force.

    1. Author

      I feel like it was a force that fell into a whimper, but I’m exhausted. That’s coloring my energy right now. 🙂 Trying to get some quick conversation before I drive over to New Orleans for an event this evening.

  4. What a great assignment – to ask a parent about a memory before they had you. Glad the class went well. Always wonderful to encourage young reader/writers.

    1. Author

      Kids don’t often ask about that. I always figured my parents didn’t have a life before they had me. Ha.

  5. Talking to young people about the craft of writing and the impact of memories. Now, my dear, you are in the really good stuff. Yahoo.

    1. Author

      It was tons of fun.

    1. Author

      I’m pretty wiped today. One more thing to go, and I can rest. Sort of. I have tons of online stuff to do and schedule between now and Thursday.

  6. I’m so glad you could talk with that class. They asked such great questions! And how exciting and encouraging for them to meet an author in person!

    1. Author

      Their teacher invites authors in often. I think that’s a valuable resource for her students. I was really honored to be asked.

  7. I definitely agree that people need to by this book for themselves. It’s a life changer. Seriously Andra. I believe that I’ve become a lot closer to my Mom and Dad through you walking the Natchez Trace. I’ve listened closer. I’ve made more of an effort. I know I say this a lot to you, but you have changed my life for the better. I still have a long way to go to be the person that I would love to be, but due to your inspiration, I’ve made steps toward becoming this person. Thank you. Andra.

    1. Author

      I needed to read this comment today, Lori. How did you know? Thank you for taking time to leave it.

      I really hope this book honors family and the connections of family. No family relationship is perfect. Every family has struggles, trials and disappointments. I hope through reading this book, people will see that it’s worth it to try. Nothing would honor my mother, my father or me more than to have people write messages like yours, because that’s why I wrote the book. That’s the purpose it serves.


      1. On a separate note…………I LOVE the feel of your book and I gave one to a friend of mine to read and she mentioned the feel of your book too. Reading is an experience. Sight, smell, texture…

        1. Author

          I was talking with L Marie on her site about color in writing. I probably do more with smell and sound, but I hope I don’t ignore color. I’m glad to hear that reading this book is experiential. I certainly hoped it would be.

  8. My book arrived over the weekend…it will be on the plane with me when we leave on Friday. I’ll take a picture. 🙂 and we are definitely heading off to make some memories. ox

    1. Author

      Have a blast at the wedding, Debra! Please wish them a happy life from me and give my best to Jay for the journey.

  9. I would have squealed too, Andra. In fact, I AM squealing.
    Aren’t those great questions.

    1. Author

      They were such a great group.

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