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Thanks for the Memories

Last Saturday, Mom, Dad, MTM and I banded together to Make a Memory at the Florence County Library in Florence, South Carolina. I was invited to participate in their Local Author Expo. I cried when I got their invitation.

Last Saturday, Mom, Dad, MTM and I banded together to Make a Memory at the Florence County Library in Florence, South Carolina. I was invited to participate in their Local Author Expo.

I cried when I got their invitation.

As a little girl, I never got enough of the Florence County Library. Twice a week or more, my poor mother had to take me to the library and wait while I perused the stacks. I wielded my white plastic card with precision. With pride.

I ran my library card
through the imprint machine
enough to split it in half.

Several times.

The Florence County Library shaped my love of reading. I was honored to be there. To meet new readers. And to see people I’ve known since kindergarten.

chuck kelly florence county library

Like Chuck Kelly.

In sixth grade, our evil teachers forced me to play Claudia to his Pilate in an Easter play. I had to be hysterical. (Never a stretch for me.) And loud. (Also not hard.)

But when the notes called for me to kiss
the feet of a boy wearing a dress,
I balked.

Groping the bare legs of my classmate wasn’t something I could translate into “getting in character.” Especially not at the age of 11, when all boys were the grossest people on earth.

Chuck roamed the stage with authority, certain his decision to crucify Jesus was just. His impatience singed the front row as I clasped my hands together, made my pathetic plea and tried everything I could to avoid falling down and kissing the feet of a boy before hundreds of people who would make fun of me.


On Saturday, I didn’t care that I almost smothered Chuck with a hug. I drank in the details of his recent trip to New York City and gave him advice for a dream trip to Las Vegas. Memories Chuck needs to make, because he has cancer. Every day, he swallows poison.

And every day, I pray it will save my friend,
a person I’ve known since I was five.
My first husband, really.

To see pictures from the Florence County Library Author Expo, click here: ANDRA WATKINS TUMBLR

What memory would you make if you
knew you had a year to live?

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    1. Author

      I had no idea until I saw him. A big, fat kick in the pants for me.

    1. Author

      Yep. It certainly shines a light on what I value and on how I spend my time.

  1. I’ll be making a memory this spring when I drive my mother north to Baltimore to visit my younger son and his wife. She says she’ll sleep on their couch, but I need to find better accommodations for an 85+ year old woman to enjoy.

    The last time we took such a long car trip was to the same son’s graduation from Princeton when my mother, my husband, my former husband and I rode together in my “Town House” — which is what I called my old Lincoln.

    My mother (whom I admire greatly) told my husband and me that we stopped too much to use the restroom…but what is a lady to do when she drinks the recommended quantities of water a day?

    This journey will probably just the two of us, as my husband is thinking he’ll remain behind…I think he may still recall the admonitions to not stop too much…

    1. Author

      Whatever happens, this will be an incredible journey, Cheryl. I hope you’ll do a play-by-play.

  2. What a day and what a story, Andra. I’m so happy you had the opportunity to reconnect with your friend! I loved my weekly trips to the library too and believe it or not one of the things I really miss after our robbery is my first library card… I still had it tucked away in a drawer along with my first savings account card and my 1980’s concert tickets. 🙁

    1. Author

      You kept those things, too? I’m so glad I’m not the only one. I’m sorry yours are gone now, Lisa.

  3. You’re really doling out the punches to the gut, and reminding us to live each day with purpose. Thank you.

  4. What a lovely picture of you and your friend Chuck, Andra. (You look fabulous, btw)

    Glad you were able to give him a big hug! I have been thinking a lot about your memories challenge and savoring every minute with my mother and Mr. B’s parents. I am looking forward to making nice memories when I’m in PR.

    I am also enjoying your book tremendously. Between doing my taxes and Financial Aid Forms, I have been reading it and taking in your words and discoveries about who you are as a daughter and your relationship with both your parents. 🙂

  5. What a great collection of experiences and the chance to bask in so many older memories!
    I hope Chuck recovers well and makes his dream trip to Las Vegas.

  6. What a beautiful story!!! (Awesome sweater, Andra! You look fabulous!)
    Praying for Chuck too!!

  7. beautiful, andra. one of my fav memories is taking a trip to the east coast with my middle daughter and just planning to travel until we ran out of money. one of the best trips ever.

  8. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. It sounds like he is making some wonderful memories. What an inspiration.

  9. I cried while reading this today.

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