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Why YOU Should Join My Elite Newsletter

Not receiving my ELITE newsletter, the once-weekly inside look at all things I'm writing and reading? Here's why YOU should be ELITE: 1. In today's installment, I share recent ROI on Facebook page and group posts. READ ON FOR SO MUCH MORE!

Not receiving my ELITE newsletter, the once-weekly inside look at all things I’m writing and reading?

Here’s why YOU should be ELITE:

  1. In today’s installment, I share recent ROI on Facebook page and group posts. I’m pulling back the curtain for all Facebook users to help readers understand how their recent algorithm changes impact what makes the newsfeed.
  2. Elite readers are the FIRST to get updates about Dad’s continuing health saga. I share special Dad photos to this group, and I pass every message to him personally. He loves hearing from readers!
  3. Be the first to own copies of my newest books. For I Am Number 13, Word Hermit Press is making a limited edition hardcover. Only 100 copies will be available. Elite readers will have first option to purchase.
  4. Read deleted scenes. Recently, I shared a deleted scene from I Am Number 13. With edits and rewrites on the horizon, more deleted scenes will immerse readers into Emmaline’s new world in advance of publication.
  5. Have the inside track to me. I’ve made no secret of how I deplore social media. Elite readers always get a personal response from me via email and text. (Yes, Elite Readers get my mobile number if they ask.)
  6. Learn what’s captivating my attention. I share recommended reads, give shout-outs to other authors, and post periodic updates from my extensive appearance and residency schedule.
  7. Be first to know about foreign editions. Did you know Not Without My Father was published in South Korea right before the Winter Olympics? Or realize an Italian edition is in the works? We’re working hard to challenge readers WORLDWIDE to make memories.

If you’re not receiving my ELITE NEWSLETTER, shoot me a quick reply to this post. We’ll add you right away so that you don’t miss a thing!

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  1. Just in case I have not signed up, please do so.

    1. Author

      You were already there. If you haven’t been getting them, check your spam filters and make sure I’m approved.

  2. I’m not sure if I’m on it or not. I thought I signed up for your newsletter, but I don’t think I’ve seen anything.

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