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What Does GDPR Mean to You Here?

Because I have readers in Europe, I'm posting about the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) today. Wherever you are, GDPR impacts what you post if you have European readers. READ ON to find out how I'm conforming to GDPR.

Because I have readers in Europe, I’m posting about the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) today.

Wherever you are, GDPR impacts what you post if you have European readers.

The GDPR is over 200 pages long, but its rules are pretty simple. By writing this post, I’m informing readers how I collect and use their data.

E-mail Opt-in

The GDPR requires explicit consent for a business like mine to send e-mails. I’ve always provided an opt-in form on my website HERE. By using the form, visitors can decide whether they want to hear from me.

At speaking engagements, I pass around an opt-in form and specifically ask people to subscribe to my newsletter. I save the written evidence of their signing up. No pressure, but I explain that as an author, I’d prefer to be able to contact readers directly about new books and significant happenings in my writing/speaking universe. Amazon and Facebook have made it virtually impossible for authors to connect directly with their readers …….unless I’m willing to pay them for nebulous, undefined ‘reach.’

I have two different e-newsletter tracks readers can choose.

  1. General newsletter – If you click above, you can subscribe to my general newsletter. I only send four or five updates to this list a year, usually announcing new books. My most recent newsletter to this group touted the publication of the Korean version of my memoir Not Without My Father, to give readers a sense of it.
  2. Elite reader newsletter – I send a bi-weekly digest to a much smaller group who are truly interested in my work and don’t want to miss things due to social media algorithms. They get updates on my upcoming projects, details about what I’m doing, and direct access to me. If you’d like to be added to that newsletter, e-mail publicity(at)andrawatkins(dot)com.

Because I get too much e-mail, I’ve always been sensitive about sending e-newsletters. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time or fill their inboxes with fluff. Bottom line: YOU opt-in to my newsletter, or you don’t hear from me.

How I Use Your Data

I collect names and e-mail addresses from those who opt-in to my e-newsletter. MailChimp is my service of choice, and I store those password-protected names and addresses there.

Periodically, I download my lists to an excel file and save them on my backup server.

Things I’ve NEVER Done With Your Data:

  1. It’s common practice for authors to share newsletter lists. I’ve NEVER shared my newsletter list with anyone, and I won’t.
  2. I don’t sell my newsletter list to any outlet for profit. Your data isn’t an added revenue stream for me.
  3. My server contains the latest updates against outside attack. To my knowledge, it has never been infected with a virus or penetrated from the outside. Your data is password protected on a robust system. Should it ever be hacked, I would be required by GDPR to inform you.
  4. I DO NOT use cookies or track your location or activity around the web. What you do online is private. I respect that.

 Data Protection Officer

At this time, I’m the data protection officer here. I’m a one-woman show with support from a publicist, and I don’t have millions of names on my newsletter list. (Someday!)

I hope this information eases your mind about belonging to my newsletter list (if you’re already there) or joining it today (if you’re not.)

Here are several reasons to sign up:

  1. I Am Number 13, the third novel in my Nowhere series, is coming this autumn. Follow the Nowhere series link in the previous sentence to read the other two books before the third debuts. General newsletter readers are among the first to be able to get my books!
  2. Elite readers get earlier opportunities to read. We usually give advance copies of new books to anyone who’s willing to read and write a review ahead of publication. They also help build buzz for a story.
  3. My upcoming novel will have a hardcover limited edition, and it will only available to newsletter subscribers. These copies will be signed and numbered, but they won’t be available anywhere else. A few lucky subscribers will win a free copy!
  4. Don’t miss an update! People don’t realize how much they miss by relying on algorithms to choose what they see online. Subscribing to my newsletter helps you take control of what you see about me and my work. I promise I won’t waste your time.

Don’t wait! CLICK HERE to sign up for my newsletter today!

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  1. Ah, the esoteric modern world. I, too, have a dream but, while I deeply appreciate and admire your diligent persistence, I am at a loss how to embrace the minutia of a true marketing effort. It may just be my intrinsic laziness, but it probably goes way deeper than that, down past my tissue into my very bones.

  2. Somewhere over the Rainbow….gdpr…Amazon and Facebook are laughing about IT…

      1. Gdpr…the sende about IT IS maybe not bad, but the “little people have all problems and to pay for it… Not fair…

  3. I am so looking forward to the hardcover limited edition. 🙂

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