So much of PR is hogwash. The ultimate “fake it ’til you make it.” Because I’ve always had a knack for PR, I understand how to work the system…….to a point. I don’t have enough disposable income to work it like, say, Taylor Swift or JLo. (And make no mistake. Those women are everywhere because they spend a shit-ton of cash on PR.)

People want to associate with success.

A person with a product to promote (say, a book) can read online tips for success until she’s blind. Everyone says to blog. A lot. And spend swaths of the day on social media. And give books away to garner reviews and increase visibility. And make books discounted or free whenever and wherever possible. And crowdsource as much as one can.Continue Reading

french tickler nancy france

Life hasn’t been kind to MTM. Between his collarbone (he’s out of the sling but not back on the bike), my eye (coming down off steroids is maddening, I tell you) and my book things (WHYOHWHYOHWHY ISN’T ANYONE BUYING MY BOOK??????!!!!!!?????? I scream as I bang my head into his intricately prepared dinner and stab myself with my fork), we aren’t the easiest couple these days. His every sexual overture is met with me grabbing the computer and shouting, “IF I JUST TWEAK THIS THING RIGHT HERE, TWO MORE PEOPLE WILL DOWNLOAD MY MEMOIR!!!!!”Continue Reading