I Saw The Big Thing On Valentine’s Day
I rubbed my eyes when I saw it. The Big Thing.
It’s not like I haven’t seen Big Things before. I mean, come on. I’m a Woman of a Certain Age. I’ve been around. And around.
And around.Continue Reading
I rubbed my eyes when I saw it. The Big Thing.
It’s not like I haven’t seen Big Things before. I mean, come on. I’m a Woman of a Certain Age. I’ve been around. And around.
And around.Continue Reading
He came from Austria. Dreulach. Or Vorderberg. A place that was always at war. Didn’t stop him from knocking up a woman. Three times, before he fled to America. Continue Reading
A conversation between my friend Alice and me. Regarding Roy.
Alice: “I think I need to go to your parents’ and spend time with your dad ahead of the trip, Andra. I mean………..um……….well……………I’m going to be spending a week with him, and……………well……….he’s…………um—”
Me: “Impossible? Horrifying? Somewhat smelly?”Continue Reading
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