According to Dad, he was born in a hospital above a drug store in Dayton, Tennessee. That building was an institution. The Scopes Trial occurred in Dayton, Tennessee. Only, it didn’t start at the storied courthouse with the battle between William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow in what was theContinue Reading

That’s a big ole birch tree. Beautiful tree. Traveling with Dad is a study in trees. The kinds. The colors. The ages. One sees the forest AND the trees. When he worked, he was a forester. His specialty was wood procurement. Translated, he bought trees. I remember him coming homeContinue Reading

Travel with Dad is a hoot. He rides shotgun, though he offers to drive. AFTER admitting that he got lost on the way to meet us in Columbia.

I am always reluctant to get behind the wheel when Dad is in the car. The combination is like a nuclear reactor. With a hairline crack. I barely geared The Tank into reverse before we had a situation.Continue Reading