Travel with Dad is a hoot. He rides shotgun, though he offers to drive. AFTER admitting that he got lost on the way to meet us in Columbia.

I am always reluctant to get behind the wheel when Dad is in the car. The combination is like a nuclear reactor. With a hairline crack. I barely geared The Tank into reverse before we had a situation.Continue Reading

This weekend, MTM and I are going on a road trip. Nine hours one way in the car with my father. I will be both voiceless and insane by the time we arrive at our destination. East Tennessee. We are attending Roy’s 60th high school reunion. He lined up twoContinue Reading

jessie holman jones hospital, springfield tennessee, birthplace

Beginnings. It’s what my brain is telling my fingers to shape this week. I can think of no better way to start this series than with one of my all-time favorite pieces.  Thank you for visiting,  for reading, and for sharing my words. I Will Remember You. Will You RememberContinue Reading