Twilight cast long shadows across my parent’s back yard in Florence, South Carolina, as we sat on the screened porch, sipped Perrier and watched the sprinkler arc. Forward and back. Forward and back. A watery path that dotted the surface of the bird feeder and my father’s Man Shed. Linda,Continue Reading

This week’s series is Stories About my Father. If this is your first visit to this series, please click here to begin at the beginning. Thank you for spending time in this little sliver of the web. A slide show accompanies the post today, pictures of The Lady taken by Robert Johnson,Continue Reading

This is the first post in this week’s series, Grounded: Stories From the American Southwest. I’ve always been fascinated by its alien landscape. As always, thank you for reading my little blog. A backdraft smacks him in the face when they open the door of the plane. Concentrated heat meltsContinue Reading