In public appearances, I like to tell a story about my own experience with learning history.

Eighth grade.

United States History.

In South Carolina, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were tangential figures. They didn’t visit South Carolina, never called it home. History tends to focus on the familiar, the things we can experience beyond the immediate bounds of our classroom doors.Continue Reading

Meriwether Lewis was born in August. As it turns out, so was my father. (No wonder I conflated the two of them in a novel……..)

During the month of August, my site is turning into a month-long celebration of Merry’s birthday. Every day, I’ll post Meriwether Lewis trivia. Sometimes, you’ll hear from me about how the Lewis and Clark Expedition inspired me.

You may even hear from Merry himself.Continue Reading

This post is the first of a series that will run all week. Thanks for reading. The box always lived in the top of a closet. Dusty. Tattered, with its top spines pressed flat such that the top always slid off and tumbled to the floor if she was careless.Continue Reading