Welcome to my Trelex Writing Desk Residency! I’m staying in the guest room at Maison Binet, an eighty-year-old home in Trelex, Switzerland. I share kitchen and bath space with two other artists: Matthew, a painter from the U.K.; and James, a painter from Chicago. Residencies are communal experiences. Little privacyContinue Reading

I tried, Dear Reader. I wore you out this week and posted every weekday. I’m spending too much time with fake people (i.e. my novel manuscript), and I wanted some personal interaction.

Thank you for spending time here.

Please enjoy a roundup of stuff I liked online this week. Maybe it’ll yield good luck this Friday the 13th.Continue Reading

melancholy milepost 167

Writer Laren Stover made a case for melancholy in Sunday’s New York Times. She exalted every excuse to be blue and extolled every morbid thought. She even imagined a world where she could retreat with her own darkness and despair.

I closed my eyes and conjured the last time my world was truly black. Hopelessly hopeless. Months and months and months of downright morbidity.

I was thirty-one and dumped by a man I wanted to marry.Continue Reading