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Here in Charleston, we have a snow day. Everything is shut down. Roads. Bridges. Banks. Offices. EVERYTHING. Because this:

Here in Charleston, we have a snow day. Everything is shut down. Roads. Bridges. Banks. Offices. EVERYTHING.

Because this:

icy palmetto treeDon’t see anything really wrong with the photo?

What about this one?


snowy cars


Notice the dandruff-looking stuff? It’s even shut down the police department.

And, right outside my window……

icy treeIce. The supposed culprit behind this everything-coming-to-a-screeching-halt.

MTM and I hunkered down last night. With popcorn. And butter. And I made him watch “Clueless.” Because when it gets really wintry in The South, we Southerners need a little tenderness to go with our cluelessness.

And some velvet slippers with my jammies don’t hurt, either. (Note the evenly proportioned, not-at-all-swollen ankles.)

my feetIf you want to see some really cool images of Charleston in the snow from the 1800’s, check out the Charleston Museum’s Tumblr. Follow the link here:




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  1. It was probably a good idea to shut it down…look what happened in Atlanta….there still are people and kids stranded.

    1. It’s a good idea. I agree. I can’t drive in snow and ice. Even though MTM can, he doesn’t trust all the people like me who can’t. I hope you’re doing well up in Aiken. So many people here lost power overnight.

      1. All good, you had more ice and we had 3″ of snow….a few pretty pictures and a day to relax a bit. Tomorrow, it will be but a memory. Good luck with the ankle.

  2. I love your slippers. I like the branches. Branches are beautiful encased in ice and snow. Great choice of movies, too. I haven’t watched that in a while.

    1. I watched in on a flight last week, but I couldn’t hear much of it. So many good lines. I had to watch it again.

  3. Stay off the roads! Unless you’ve got snow tires, which I’m assuming most SC’ers don’t have, then the safest place to be is at home.

    1. We don’t have snow tires or any snow equipment……..I suppose it would be stupid to invest in that here, because we rarely get weather events like this one.

      1. Exactly. So just get cozy and enjoy the forced staycation. 🙂

  4. Well, in the second photo, the cop car is badly parked, encroaching on the adjoining space. Is that what you meant? I was in Nashville, years ago, making music and they had a silver thaw. Ice everywhere. It was epic.

    1. She may come downstairs and arrest me for railing on her parking job. Her dog always barks at MTM.

      I hope Nashville won’t be like that when I walk in there in April.

  5. Ha – I drove to work in freezing rain this morning, about an inch to two inches of it. 🙂 Not the most fun I’ve had but….ACHD (Ada County Highway District), does a fairly good job (after the first couple of snow episodes) of deicing stuff – they try…. I do admit that I laugh at Washington because they also come to a screeching halt when there is but a skiff of snow on the road.

    Here’s to staying in your jammies with your red slippers ALL DAY LONG!!!!

    1. I’m still in ’em. 🙂

      Glad you got to work okay. We don’t even have a plan for clearing the roads when this happens. It’s such a rarity. We probably waste less money just closing everything and staying home.

  6. Come visit me in Wisconsin some time! You’d be holed up all winter! Extra blankies, slippers, socks, and hot chocolate are a must!

    1. I was just up there in December. I’ll have to let you know the next time we visit.

  7. Hope the weather breaks soon for you all. We northerners at least are used to it and have equipment to deal with it. Doesn’t mean I like the weather we have had – not one bit.

    1. It’s been brutal for almost everybody. Here’s hoping for some warm sunny for you soon.

  8. Southern snow – it’s something else. Here’s another “Tenderness” song.

    This always makes me think of the movie “Bull Durham”. Think I might have to watch it again this afternoon. So glad you are back, even if it’s temporary.

    1. I’ve been putting things up and taking them back down much of the day, cringing the whole way. I didn’t want people to come here while I was doing that.

      Did you watch Bull Durham? We both have late starts again in the morning, so I’m hoping MTM will want to watch some other ridiculous selection with me this evening.

  9. I have driven in Truckee, CA when there was 6 inches of packed ice and snow on the road and it is snowing 6 inches per hour….without chains! I have to admit, I did have a four wheel drive with tires for the conditions but it was still a challenge. I’m always amazed that the East Coast shuts down for 2 inches of snow, or in your case, a “light” dusting. I will say that in these type of conditions, I’m more worried about the “other” drivers on the road than I am with the weather and road conditions.

    1. Most Southerners don’t need to get out when it’s snowy and/or icy. We got quite a bit of ice, which is way more dangerous.

      I’ve been in Truckee when it snowed. I was afraid we weren’t going to get back to our hotel in South Lake Tahoe before they closed the road. Thankfully, I wasn’t driving.

      1. I heard about the ice on the way home. That makes a huge difference. On the highway between Truckee and King’s Beach, I have seen the snow as high as 14 feet straight up on both sides of the road. I would do as you did and stay off the ice. Snow okay. Ice bad.

  10. We’ve just started to notice the cold here, Andra… up until last week or so, it has been quite warm. Well, warmer than it should be for the time of year, that is. They are still forecasting snow, but they seem to have been doing so for months. If and when it comes, pandemonium will follow. It always does!

  11. Enjoy the dusting of snow and a cozy day. It’s all a matter of perspective. Two days ago we had snow and blow with roads that looked like mirrors. Even after years of living here, driving through two feet of snow in a Toyota Corona (no one but out-of-staters has 4wd in Colorado)and creeping along in zero visability, ice still scares the shit out of me:)
    Nice slippers, btw.

    1. I get dizzy just driving in Colorado. That drive up into the mountains from Denver always disorients me. Still, I love to do it, but I’ve never done it in snow. I can’t imagine driving through two feet of snow in anything other than a bulldozer. Ha.

  12. The snow was nice…I’m done with it. Go away.

  13. but the trolley’s were still running back then? The horses aren’t as likely to slip and crash on the ice as modern drivers.

    1. I think (Carnell would know better than me) the trolleys stopped in the 1910’s or 20’s. One can still see the tracks here and there.

  14. Wow and to think I have about two feet of snow in my yard. Each time it has snowed we have had to shovel our driveway three times.

    1. I know this is preposterous to people who deal with it for months on end.

      1. Actually not as much. We laugh at you for freaking out about so little. But then you have no experience surviving in mountains of snow like we do.

  15. Does MTM take it all this to do with a grain of salt? During the vortex, I curled up with a cup of coffee and a bottle of whiskey. Here’s to feeling warm! 😉

    1. He went out for a while this afternoon. He knows how to drive in these conditions. I don’t worry about him, but I worry about anyone else he encounters along the way.

      I had a latte with Godiva liqueur in it earlier. Yummy.

  16. Everything shuts down here very easily for half an inch of snow. 😀

  17. I live in northeastern MN, and although we get snow and ice for months on end, you have to know how to drive in those conditions. Personally, I don’t like to drive in it before the sand trucks and plows are out, and since I’m retired, that’s usually not a problem. The snow/ice are easier to handle than the bitter cold (-30 F) we’ve had so much of this year, and they don’t normally last as long, either. Best to stay home if at all possible. We draw several buckets of water at the onset of bad weather ‘just in case.’ If the power goes out, we can use the water for human/pet consumption, washing, or flushing the toilet. Stay safe!

    1. We live right next to a power generating station, so it would take a pretty significant storm to knock out our power. We’re lucky in that regard, even though looking at the thing isn’t very picturesque.

      I admire you for living in -30. I think the wind chill was -25 when we were in WI in December, and I couldn’t even breathe. MTM laughed at me.

  18. I, too, love the slippers, Andra. Hope your power doesn’t go out. Stay safe and warm, my friend!

    Hugs from Ecuador,

  19. We have had little BUT snow days — For. Weeks. Now!! As of this writing, we are again able to get out of our driveway (first since last Friday evening). We had been badly drifted in and the wind and temps have been brutal, so we’ve declined to mess with it until today. Kim shoveled awhile this morning, and I shoveled the rest of the way this afternoon – but it isn’t going to last–more snow on the way. With luck we’ll get to the grocery tomorrow, and be able to keep our appointments with the eye doctor on Friday, before the next round begins.

    Yes, it’s pretty to see from the window, and yes, I knew snow would be a part of the equation when I moved back to Indiana, but honestly, I haven’t seen a winter like this one for more years than I can remember — maybe since this one: — and I am more than ready to see green grass and feel Spring breezes.

    I know that your situation will be but a memory in a day or two, but meantime, stay in and stay warm. 🙂

    1. My poor brother-in-law has worked almost non-stop in WI this winter, clearing the roads. It’s been crazy all over. Here’s to an early advent of Spring for all of us……and help with your shoveling in the meantime.

  20. Best to be safe than try and plow through 1/16″ of danger!

    1. This is just one of many reasons why SC looks crazy to the rest of the nation……..

    1. I figured many of my readers would enjoy this one. Most of them live where it’s much more wintry than this. I’m glad you had a good laugh, Mary.

  21. just tap those ruby slippers together 3 times and say, ‘ i want to go home…….’

    1. They need some bling on them, don’t they? MTM bought me two more pairs after I started wearing them out of the house as my real shoes…….

  22. I have a THIRD day of snow day off with my children tomorrow for roads that aren’t even ICY. AWRUGH!!!!!

  23. Love the slippers. I have a mismatched pair of Mary Jane slippers – both two left feet. tee hee
    Best place to be is hunkered down, Andra. We’ve been watching all the icing and snow problems in the south, where there just isn’t the equipment your northerly brothers and sisters have. At that, the City of Chicago is about 3/4 through their salt.
    Glad you ankle is better.

  24. I LOVE that you turned to Cher and Dionne in your time of need. They definitely appreciated that you paired your pajamas with adorable footwear.

  25. CLUELESS? Cah-ha-loo-LESS? Yikes. Well, that’s pure LOVE right there! Okay, okay (confession) it made me laugh when i saw it, I’ll admit. Still, I’d thought you’d watch something like The Day The Earth Caught Fire (a nicely warming family tale), Blue Sunshine or something else fake heat themed. Of the two, Blue Sunshine is more interesting and amusing:

  26. It’s always nice to have a good ol’ snow day. Sweatshirts, slippers, lots of comfort food and couch time.

  27. I had not heard about snow in Charleston! I’m so surprised! It sounds like you’ve made the best of the situation and hopefully just stayed home and enjoyed something quite rare! And yes, your ankle looks great! This cold weather needs to move on so you can keep up your training. March is getting closer. 🙂

  28. I hope you and the family are doing okay today! We have had 30 inches here NE Indiana and there is more on the way!

  29. Of course your slippers are adorable red velvet ones. You make me want to up my PJ game!

  30. What is with this Swollen Ankle thing? I guess I have to go back further, since I know there will be a HUGE post about it.

  31. Our temps are supposed to hit 75 tomorrow . . . with sun. Yay! 😎

  32. Love the slippers, and I am ever so jealous of your snow day. Teachers down here are saying that if you wear your pajamas backwards, flush an ice cube down the toilet, put a spoon under your pillow and put a white crayon in the refrigerator it will snow. Can’t hurt to try!

  33. love the jammies and velvet slippers.!! especially b/c they are red 🙂 stay safe and warm.!

  34. I LOVE those red shoes (and love me a little snowy day Clueless). The first time (of 150 times) I watched Clueless, it was a rainy day and I was in bed with my tonsils just out.

  35. Love those shoes. And I see it’s bad all over the country. Love Clueless! I probably need to watch that again.
    We have plenty of snow here. But we have the snow equipment to deal with it. Still, we’ve had a number of snow days because of the cold.

  36. I want your red slippers. Are they magic, like Judy Garland’s shoes? 😀 I can’t think of anything better than being forced to stay inside and admire winter outside.

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